Sentences with phrase «volcanic effects»

Assuming that the change is all solar would lead to a doubling of the solar impact, thus including long term volcanic effects is important.
This needs an assumption about forcing, for which they mostly use GHGs and volcanic effects saying other things like aerosols were neglected.
Additionally, we see that the lag before ENSO is reflected in surface temperature is 2 to 4 months, 5 to 7 months for volcanic effects, and 1 month for changes in solar activity.
Some models include volcanic effects by simply perturbing the incoming shortwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere, while others simulate explicitly the radiative effects of the aerosols in the stratosphere.
There are tons of studies — ranging from paleoclimate studies to studies of volcanic effects, etc. that constrain climate response and which generally yield results consistent with the models.
«Our comparison of «raw» modeled and observed trends (Figure 6F) does not involve removal of ENSO and volcanic effects from observations alone, and is not restricted to a single period of record.
The Siberian flood basalt eruption, the biggest volcanic effect on Earth, lasted for millions of years.
In the real world, forcings (as estimated by GISS and not including volcanic effects) increased at 0.36 W / m2 per decade (1990 to 2003).
The well - documented surface temperature rise since 1850 can be viewed as but the most recent 60 percent of a warming of about 0.8 °C since the 17th century (Fig. 3d), interrupted periodically by volcanic effects.
So Nerem and his team used climate models to account for the volcanic effects and other datasets to determine the ENSO effects, ultimately uncovering the underlying sea - level rate and acceleration over the last quarter century.
[Response: The volcanic effects were taking into account in the models, but the precise timing of El Nino events is going to be different in each model — that in fact is a big factor in the variability of the 20 year trends.
For example, even though the volcanic effect is short - lived it will still have an impact on the water cycle - less evaporation because it's cooler therefore less water vapour, lowering temperature a bit more.
Volcanic effects SHOULD correlate, but the confidence level is < 95 %.)
When effects of dust from known volcanic eruptions in the early 19th century are also included, solar and volcanic effects can satisfactorily explain much that is known of climate change from 1600 to beginning of the industrial epoch, around 1850.
So I fear that I'm left where I started, wondering why the volcanic effects are unique among all of the forcings in only causing three - quarters of the warming that the others cause per W / m2.
In the climate case, we need to know how well we estimated forcings (greenhouse gases, volcanic effects, aerosols, solar etc.) in the projections.
In the real world, forcings (as estimated by GISS and not including volcanic effects) increased at 0.36 W / m2 per decade (1990 to 2003).
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