Sentences with phrase «volcanic event occurs»

In Iceland, a major volcanic event occurs every five years.
In Iceland, a major volcanic event occurs every five years.

Not exact matches

Catastrophes can be caused by various natural events, including, among others, hurricanes, tornadoes and other windstorms, earthquakes, hail, wildfires, severe winter weather, floods, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and other naturally occurring events, such as solar flares.
By contrast, volcanic eruptions occurring in the 2,000 years before that can not be dated reliably, while the dates of even older volcanic events can be determined relatively accurately using the C14 method.
Acid rain can occur naturally after volcanic eruptions, forest fires and other events that release sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere.
By measuring the abundance of an isotope of the noble gas argon in the rock or its crystals, Gazel and his colleague Michael Kunk of the U.S. Geological Survey found that the magma was much younger than the last known volcanic event on the East Coast — which occurred when the supercontinent of Pangaea slowly pulled apart into North America, Africa and South America some 200 million years ago, forming the Atlantic Ocean in the process.
More than 70 percent of all volcanic activity on Earth occurs on the seafloor, but details of these events are largely hidden from view by seawater.
Unexplained volcanic events have been occurring on or near Heard Island, an uninhabited Australian possession in the southern Indian Ocean about 1600 kilometres from Antarctica.
Most homeowner policies cover direct damages that result from volcanic eruptions, but do not cover floods or earthquakes that occur as a separate event, or in the aftermath of a volcanic eruption.
-- change, not stability, is the defining characteristic of the global climate, with naturally occurring events (e.g., volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis) much more likely to affect climate than anything humans do
The danger from storms that occur relative to volcanic events, on the other hand, with high SOx emissons is wind damage.
Their causes range from completely unpredictable events like volcanic eruptions (which have mainly local effects) to more regular phenomena such as «El Niño» (a warming of the surface waters of the tropical Pacific that occurs every three to five years, temporarily affecting weather world - wide).
Radiative forcing produced by explosive volcanic events that have occurred in the historic period lasts for about 3 years.
Their projections are not even in principle forecasts because the modelers have no way of knowing what exogenous events such as major volcanic eruptions might occur.
Most homeowner policies cover direct damages that result from volcanic eruptions, but do not cover floods or earthquakes that occur as a separate event, or in the aftermath of a volcanic eruption.
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