Sentences with phrase «volume of blood»

A lot of women experience high blood pressure during pregnancy due to the extra volume of blood in their body.
Currently the most reliable way to detect infection is by detecting the bacteria in the blood but this requires a relatively large volume of blood.
Also, the heart needs to work that much harder to pump the higher volume of blood, leading to an increased heart rate.
But, the point is that, with severe dehydration, there is less volume of blood circulating throughout the body of the dog.
A bird would have to lose 60 % of its total volume of blood before showing any significant changes in blood pressure.
Other testing that may be important in the diagnosis of your iron deficiency include a complete blood count during which a technician will determine the size, number and volume of your blood cells.
Those who received larger volumes of blood were also at increased risk.
Those dilated blood vessels accommodate increased volume of blood which results in the formation of dark circles, especially when blood circulation is sluggish.
«This is possible because the animal has an undivided heart, enabling the proportion of blood diverted to the lungs to be varied; unlike mammals, as we have a completely divided heart with equal volumes of blood pumped separately to lungs and body with each heartbeat.
• Demonstrated knowledge of volume of blood required for each procedure and ensuring that all contaminated tools are properly disposed of.
If you see something like raspberry jam on your dog's poop or that there is an unusual volume of blood passed through the rectum and anus of your pet, this is often a sign of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis or severe bleeding secondary to inflammation of the small and large intestines.
Realizing that this meant no wide theatrical release, it was trimmed enough to earn an R - rating, and yet it still doesn't diminish the sheer volume of blood in the final cut.
The small volume of blood required for a PCV means the test can be repeated in the operating room without taking excessive amounts of blood from the patient.
Flea infestation of kittens is especially serious because they have a low volume of blood and a heavy flea burden causes anemia which can lead to debility or even death.
When results come back from your pet's CBC / WBC count and blood chemistry panel, the number of lymphocytes in the dog or cat's blood will be given as a total number per volume of blood (the absolute count) as well as the percentage of the total white blood cell count that lymphocytes comprise.
EPO boosts red blood cell production which enable athletes to carry much more oxygen with the same volume of blood.
And what will happen is, if we lower levels of iron in our blood and lower levels of oxygen, our heart starts to beat faster in order to send more volumes of blood to our tissue.
Blood vessel walls relax and dilate, allowing a greater volume of blood to flow easily through her body, making tissues more pliable.
The last volume of Blood Alone published in English was volume six in April 2012.
The urge to pee: The kidneys of pregnant women are working much more difficult to filter the enhanced volume of blood, about 30 - 50 % more than they had better pregnancy, moving via their bodies, thereby resulting in more urine.
Amount of iron may differ by absorption rate from the food, elevating volume of blood, stores of iron, growth rate and age.
The sheer volume of blood moving through makes this region susceptible to aneurysms, weaknesses in arterial walls that can lead to stroke and debilitating brain damage.
The standard test for risk assessment in relation to life - threatening cardiac rhythm disturbances is currently the left ventricular ejection fraction, which represents a measure of the heart's function and measures the volume of the beat in relation to the overall volume of blood in the ventricle.
«When the capillary is filled, we have a very precise volume of blood, about five microliters, which is less than a droplet — much less than what is required by other anemia tests,» explained Erika Tyburski, the paper's first author and leader of the undergraduate team that developed the device.
Micromolar is a measure of the amount of gamma - tocopherol per liter volume of blood plasma.
The second study found that TACO occurs in 4.3 percent of surgical patients, with higher rates associated with increased volume of blood transfused, advanced age and total intraoperative fluid balance.
Your liver filters your entire volume of blood more than 500 times, on a daily basis!
Since its level may decline during menopause, blood vessels will face an increased pressure on their walls frequently but will be unable to cope up with that high volume of blood effectively; resulting in high blood pressure, stroke and other heart diseases.
It's no Zero Dark Thirty, not even a Lone Survivor, and perhaps the sheer volume of blood spilled for the sake of excitement and hoo - rah is too great to consider the film deeply respectful of its subject matter.
Yen Press released the third omnibus volume of Blood Lad this past May, while Viz Media is streaming the new anime adaptation (though unfortunately to US viewers only).
Offering this week's dose of vampires, Seven Seas has the fourth volume of Blood Alone.
With every heartbeat, about 20 - 25 % of your dog or cat's heart volume of blood is sent to the pet's kidneys for cleansing, fluid regulation and blood ion adjustments.
But what is worse is that the right side of the heart and pulmonary artery (pulmonary trunk) were not designed to handle the high - pressure blood arriving through the PDA from the infant's aorta, nor was the left side of the heart designed to accept the larger - than - normal volume of blood now coming back from the lungs.
This traps a large volume of blood in the stomach.
Most of the time, it's nothing to worry about — unless there's a really large volume of blood.
Flea infestation of kittens is especially serious because they have a low volume of blood and a heavy flea burden causes anaemia which can lead to debility or even death.
NO is a potent vasodilator, meaning it relaxes and widens the diameter of your blood vessels so that a greater volume of blood can flow through.
The CBC takes in the number of each type of cell, as well as their sizes and distribution in the total volume of the blood.
Super slow training is intended for intermediate to advanced trainees who have an existing muscular foundation to which high volumes of blood can be pumped to stimulate new growth.
When we're pregnant, the volume of blood our body produces increases dramatically.
There is an approximately 50 % increase in the volume of blood flowing while you are expecting.
Insects which consumed tomatoes showed greater weight gain after the blood supply, indicating an increase in the volume of blood ingested.
Wells and his colleagues argue that during hard times it can draw on two possible reserves: the oxygen carried in its large volume of blood, and oxygen trapped in the gas chamber that buoys up its shell.
Its algorithm, «DeepVentricle,» performs in 30 seconds a task doctors typically do by hand — drawing the contours of ventricles from multiple MRI scans of the heart muscle in motion, in order to calculate the volume of blood passing through.
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