Sentences with phrase «volumes of blood pumped»

For every liter of fluid lost during prolonged exercise, body temperature rises by 0.3 °C, heart rate elevates by about eight beats per minute, and cardiac output (the volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute) declines by 1 liter / min.
A dog's blood pressure relates to the volume of blood pumped out of its heart and the degree of resistance, or elasticity, of its blood vessels.
One measure is called stroke volume, which is the volume of blood pumped per heartbeat.

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Many of the small inexpensive electric pumps can damage your tissue, since engorged breasts bruise easily due to increased blood volume.
Tubes carrying oxygenated blood plug into the lamb's umbilical cord, and the beating of the fetus's heart pumps the blood at volumes and pressure comparable to what is normally delivered by the placenta.
«A sustained increased heart rate of over 100 beats per minute could mean there is not enough time for the heart to fill properly, leading to a fall in the volume of blood being pumped,» says Ann Robinson, a London - based general - practice doctor.
It has a higher stroke volume so it can push out more blood per pump and that obviously will have a — an effect of decreasing the blood pressure and then also growth hormone and / or just exercise will increase nitric oxide.
The heart rate and blood volume being pumped increases, nourishing the cells of the body with nutrients carried by the blood.
Super slow training is intended for intermediate to advanced trainees who have an existing muscular foundation to which high volumes of blood can be pumped to stimulate new growth.
The depletion of blood volume due to low sodium causes a phenomenon known as «total peripheral resistance» meaning the arteries become more constricted and the heart needs to pump harder.
What makes Dark Rage's pumps so immense is their ability to stimulate the release of a powerful hormone, erythropoietin (EPO), which increases red blood cell production and blood volume.
The truth is that a pump is the result of delivering more blood to muscle tissue, so while the use of Nitric Oxide stimulating ingredients like AAKG and Arginine are somewhat effective by causing vasodialation, they do NOT increase blood volume.
This regurgitation increases the amount of blood that the left atrium has to pump, which may lead to volume overloading.
This results in a reduced volume within the ventricles (major chambers of the heart), so reducing the volume of blood that the heart can pump with each contraction.
In AFib, the upper chambers of the heart — the atria — do not contract, which results in a decrease in blood volume pumped from the heart to the rest of the body.
Systemic arterial blood pressure is created by the pumping action of the heart, circulating arterial blood volume, and smooth muscle tone of blood vessel walls.
In this case, the left ventricle is unable to pump the same volume of blood out to the organs as the volume of blood returning from the lungs into the left atrium.
Since the amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute (cardiac output) is the product of the amount of blood ejected per contraction (stroke volume) and the heart rate in beats per minute, this decreased chamber volume (and subsequent stroke volume) results in an increased heart rate (tachycardia) as a reflex mechanism to maintain cardiac output and blood pressure.
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