Sentences with phrase «volumetric methods»

FRENCH shellfish supplier Scotto SARL has replaced a volumetric method of packing mussels into trays with an Ishida multihead weigher and weigher - to - pack..
82, 83) and high breast density, whether assessed by a volumetric method or by mammography, is similarly positively associated with breast cancer risk (2, 84).
Now I do make errors, but the point that the French volumetric method did include this dessication does not depend on that paper.
So if they no longer use H2SO4 then the Callendar - Keeling curve should show a discontinuity of 20ppm where the practice was abandoned, somewhere following the mid -»50s, having been used by the French volumetric method whose data they accept, no?

Not exact matches

This rapid volumetric heating method delivers a safe product that not only looks more appealing and has better texture, it also tastes better and offers greater nutrient retention, Seidel says.
I found all of these to be very interesting methods, I just wanted to mimic compression a little more and try two different approaches — one with compression (mass measurement) and one without (volumetric).
For both modes, the researchers demonstrated a volumetric resolution of up to 235 by 235 by 340 nanometers, double the volumetric resolution of traditional methods.
So what we have is the problem of looking at an x-ray or mammography (2D) and trying (via certain methods and analysis) to ascertain the volumetric ratio of dense fibroglandular tissue to the whole breast.
Recently, we extended our imaging methods to the scattering tissue domain and demonstrated fast volumetric calcium imaging across the majority of a cortical column in the mouse.
Today he works on novel neural stimulation methods, whole - brain imaging of neural dynamics in larval zebrafish, and computational tools for the big data problems that arise from volumetric neural imaging datasets.
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