Sentences with phrase «voluntarily accept service»

The spouse may voluntarily accept service or the petitioner may serve the papers via civil sheriff or another neutral adult.
If your spouse is stationed overseas, it may be particularly difficult to serve him if he will not voluntarily accept service.
If it's not, and if he won't voluntarily accept service, you'll have to send the paperwork to him by certified mail, or arrange to have the sheriff or a private process server deliver it.

Not exact matches

«While Mobil Oil Australia does not accept that its previous subscription, or the subscription of others, to the Oil PriceWatch service had any adverse effect on competition n any relevant market in Australia, Mobil Oil Australia has voluntarily and without admission offered to provide this Undertaking to address the concerns raised by the ACCC.»
A parent may voluntarily relinquish his or her child to the State Department of Social Services or a licensed county adoption agency «at any time while the child is a dependent child of the juvenile court, if the department or agency is willing to accept the relinquishment.»
Your state may allow you to meet the service requirements by having your spouse accept service voluntarily.
You can serve the papers yourself, but if your spouse will not voluntarily accept them, another adult person can do it, provided they complete an Affidavit of Service.
Listings of property located outside the MLS's jurisdiction service area will (or will not) be accepted if submitted voluntarily by a participant, but can not be required by the service.
If «Realtor» was re-defined as a term to be used by registrants who «vowed» or «professed» to a voluntarily accepted, higher standard of service — quite separate from membership in any board or current association, then «Realtor» could regain its meaning as «registrant of professional standing, holding themselves to a higher standard».
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