Sentences with phrase «voluntary acceptance»

One key thing about Christianity is that it requires voluntary acceptance of faith.
Initially, it was only able to do so through a one - way voluntary acceptance of EU ETS allowances to meet its own trading system's obligations, but joined fully in 2008, once the European Commission had accepted its proposals for a cap and allocation of allowances.
Along with the political reconquest went a gradual conversion to Christianity, some of it by force or thinly disguised force, but much of it as a voluntary acceptance of the faith of the ruling classes.
«The Son of Man, therefore, means the agent and inaugurator of the coming kingdom who will enable others to share with him his special relationship with God through a voluntary acceptance of death».46 Whenever we think about the church, John Taylor suggests, we must never forget that when Jesus chose the title «Son of Man» He was using a figure with a plural meaning.
It is not sinfulness which establishes Christ's solidarity with us, but rather His voluntary acceptance of suffering, taking the consequences of sin on our behalf, out of love.
It is in all our interests to encourage the voluntary acceptance of such shared responsibilities - but in some instances the State actively discourages it.
Furthermore, in any western model of contract law you can't simply send an arbitrary notice or offer to someone and expect it to bind them absent their clear, express, voluntary acceptance.
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