Sentences with phrase «voluntary control»

When you achieve better voluntary control of these muscles, you WILL have significant improvement of your symptoms and better posture as well.
There is very little effort involved, and we do not have voluntary control over it.
The teenage pregnancy is forced to tall under voluntary control for selecting motherhood.
Once the process of voluntary control starts and the baby discovers that she can make sounds when she wants to, her cry is no longer just a reflex.
The rooting reflex is present at birth (age of appearance 28 weeks) and disappears around four months of age, as it gradually comes under voluntary control.
The executive director of the National Secular Society Keith Porteous Wood said: «A mass conversion of voluntary controlled schools into entirely self - governing academies freed from the moderating influence of local authorities will be the churches» dream and most parents» nightmare.
Many ultimately regained voluntary control of their leg muscles, standing up and even walking on their own.
«When we first learned that a patient had regained voluntary control as a result of spinal stimulation, we were cautiously optimistic,» said Roderic Pettigrew, Ph.D., M.D., director of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) at NIH, which provided support for the study.
«We have more voluntary control over the exhalation,» he explains.
Mr Brown denied he would seek any form of state censorship, but said he hoped parents and programme workers would reach a common agreement of the need for voluntary controls on extreme violence and sex in programmes and games targeted at children.
The injured person has impaired voluntary control over anorectal function that required a bowel routine, a surgical diversion or an implanted device.
On the principle that what a mind (1) is most immediately aware of and (2) has under its direct voluntary control is its body, Hartshorne concludes that the world is God's body, and hence that God is not incorporeal.
«Our results suggest the possible benefits of using a closed - loop EEG - based BCI - VR (brain - computer interface - virtual reality) system in inducing voluntary control of human gait.»
However, in the presence of epidural stimulation, all four recovered voluntary control of their lower extremities, surprising researchers who believed at least some of the sensory pathway must be intact for epidural stimulation to be successful.
Chest breathing generally starts between ages 4 and 7, which is when you start to develop voluntary control of the musculature in the thoracic region (chest).
These hormones are autonomic and can not be altered by voluntary control.
The use of the mind to voluntary control muscles to contract or relax at will was fist made popular by the famous Maxick a hundred years ago and it is a testament to him and his course that people still follow it so many years later.
The schools involved in the research were: a London community school with three form entry, a South England community school with two form entry, a South West community school with four form entry, a West Midlands Church of England voluntary controlled school with two form entry, and a North community school with three form entry.
having no or insufficient voluntary control over urination or defecation.»
After the nerves that affect conscious proprioception go, next are the nerves for voluntary motion (including voluntary control of urination / defecation), followed by the nerves for superficial pain perception, and ultimately the nerves for deep pain perception (usually tested by applying a strong pinch to the toe).
This definition emphasizes the importance of more sensitive, responsive, supportive and intellectually stimulating parenting or mature parenting focusing on cognitive, conscious, voluntary control rather than emotional, prompt, involuntary emotional reactivity to environmental stimuli in caregivers.
Conclusion were the teenage pregnancy is forced to tall under voluntary control for selecting motherhood.
«When we first learned that a patient had regained voluntary control as a result of the therapy, we were cautiously optimistic,» said Roderic Pettigrew, M.D., Ph.D., director of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, which provided support for the study.
The U.S. government has opted for voluntary controls on carbon dioxide, but last year the U.S. Senate adopted a resolution calling for mandatory emission limits.
She'll lose many of her newborn reflexes while acquiring more voluntary control of her body.
In the case of community schools, voluntary controlled schools, community special schools and pupil referral units the employer is the local authority (LA).
Eventually expanding mindful awareness into other domains of personal experience — such as voluntary control over breathing, thoughts, memories, future projections, smells, sounds, sensations, bodily experiences, emotions, strengths, clinging, and craving.
These differences in reaction to environmental stimuli are neurologically based and are not under voluntary control of the child.
This is backed up by all key trade fair and exhibition indicators determined by the society for the voluntary control of trade fair and exhibition data as well as the opinions of exhibitors and trade audience.
The statistics for the fair are independently audited by Ernst & Young AG on behalf of the Gesellschaft zur Freiwilligen Kontrolle von Messe - und Ausstellungszahlen (FKM), a society for the voluntary control of fair and exhibition statistics.
They go from being completely helpless and having no voluntary control when they're born to independent walkers in 12 months.
The infant goes from not having any voluntary control over his or her arms and hands to being able to grasp a small raisin with the thumb and index finger in a mature pincer grasp by his or her first birthday.
Nipples are held erect by small, smooth muscles that respond to signals from your autonomic nervous system (the «unconscious» nervous system over which you do not have voluntary control).
This is because the voluntary control that a truly potty trained child has is only possible when appropriate pathways in the brain are formed (2).
Still others fear that voluntary controls are not enough.
That automatic mode of thinking, not under voluntary control, contrasts with the need to slow down and deliberately fiddle with pencil and paper when working through an algebra problem.
• System 1 operates automatically and quickly, with little or no effort and no sense of voluntary control.
Other activities, such as chewing, are susceptible to voluntary control but normally run on automatic pilot.
«It implies inevitability to a woman's behavior — that she has no voluntary control.
Surprisingly, seven months into the trial, Summers also discovered that he had regained some voluntary control of his legs.
Within just a few days of the start of stimulation, all three patients regained some voluntary control of previously paralyzed muscles.
State maintained schools included were academies, city technology colleges, voluntary aided, voluntary controlled, and foundation schools.
Donaldson's talk of voluntary control and desirable emotions misses this point.
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