Sentences with phrase «voluntary method»

Cities seeking voluntary methods of desegregating schools developed Montessori magnet schools, first in Cincinnati, and then in other urban systems, most notably Milwaukee and Kansas City.
We must have population control at home, hopefully through a system of incentives and penalties, but by compulsion if voluntary methods fail.
The end is still nigh, he asserted, and he stood unflinchingly by his 1960s insistence that population control was required, preferably through voluntary methods.
The report recommended expanding access to voluntary methods of family planning, but under the heading «An Alternative View,» it broached the case for coercion.
A voluntary method of debt restructuring in which a person makes a lump sum payment to a financial counseling agency who distributes the funds to creditors.
Fred Krupp, executive director of Environmental Defense, said, «To have two senators like John McCain and Joe Lieberman joining across the aisle to say that voluntary methods haven't been enough and that they're going to work to develop a comprehensive cap - and - trade system is very significant.»
Family mediation is a voluntary method of dispute resolution where a neutral third party can help parties resolve issues arising out of their family law matter.
Child custody mediation is a voluntary method of resolving a legal dispute regarding the issue of a parenting plan that is in «the children's best interests.»
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