Sentences with phrase «vomiting after ingestion»

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The contaminated food can cause symptoms such as nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and chills as soon as 30 minutes after ingestion.
In your case, it is good that your dog has vomited after the chocolate ingestion, which means that it is unlikely that the chocolate has been absorbed.
Vomiting and / or diarrhea often occurs within the first few hours, and after 24 hours of ingestion, vomit and fecal contents may contain pieces of grapes and / or raisins.
Signs of grape toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy that occur about 12 hours after ingestion.
If vomiting is induced 15 - 20 minutes after ingestion this can help to reduce absorption and limit the severity of the symptoms.
'' Hematemesis, which is commonly referred to as a dog vomiting blood is either caused by something temporary such as the ingestion of an object your dog ate after being outside, causes such as dietary intolerance, or something systemically wrong such as with the digestive tract (GI), liver or kidneys.
In some of these incidents, the pet owner saw the pet swallow the foreign object and took steps prescribed by their veterinarian to either make sure it passed on its own or cause vomiting soon after ingestion in hopes that the pet would vomit the object back up.
Symptoms start around 24 - hours after ingestion and can include vomiting, diarrhea, appetite loss, weakness / lethargy, dehydration, lack of or decreased urine, tremors / seizures, or coma.
After xylitol ingestion, vomiting is usually the initial sign.
Daffodils can be toxic, most often after ingestion of the bulb but occasionally after ingestion of flower heads and can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and lethargy that in severe cases may result in dehydration, tremors and convulsions.
The initial stages of lily toxicity typically occur 30 minutes to 2 hours after ingestion of the plant and common symptoms include vomiting, lethargy & depression, and loss of appetite.
Vomiting and jittery (hyperactive) behavior are seen immediately to within the first 24 hours after ingestion.
Three days after the ingestion, her owners called Pet Poison Helpline for assistance as Annie had stopped eating, began vomiting, developed diarrhea and seemed lethargic / depressed.
Generally after consuming nicotine, dogs will normally vomit but not always; usually a visit to your Veterinarian to induce vomiting or to induce vomiting at home using hydrogen peroxide is done within four hours of ingestion, after this time treatment is supportive of any symptoms that may present.
If the ingestion was within two or three hours induce vomiting with 3 % hydrogen peroxide to get the consumed potato up and after administer activated charcoal to absorb any toxin in the stomach.
Every vet has had similar patients rushed into the animal hospital after each treat - packed holiday (be it Halloween, Hanukkah or Christmas, Valentine's Day, or Easter)... all with the same GI signs of vomiting and diarrhea induced by accidental chocolate ingestion.
Delayed onset vomiting (1 - 4 days after fatty meal ingestion), abdominal pain, diarrhea (+ / - blood), reduced appetite and lethargy.
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