Sentences with phrase «vomiting out of her nose»

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The immune system perceives the harmless allergen as a danger to the body and causes an allergic reaction, which can involve sneezing to get the allergen out of the body through the nose and mouth, or vomiting to get it out through the mouth, or even pooping to get it out in diarrhea.
But even if you are a connoisseur of jokes about vomit, big chunks of stuff excavated from mossy teeth by dental floss, and really bad comb - overs (are you doubled over with soda - out - your - nose laughter yet?)
This utterly formulaic throwback to the disaster movies of yesteryear is 1997's good volcano movie, the one in which a big ol' volcano pokes its nose out from the La Brea tar pits and vomits lava all over some pricy downtown Los Angeles real estate.
► An abandoned house is surrounded by workmen and a woman, all of whom have their shirts covering their nose and mouth because they say the smell of human feces is bad inside; one man covers his mouth and nose, chokes and coughs, enters the house and finds feces all over the bathroom walls, toilet and bathroom floors, as well as throughout a hallway to the front door and one wall contains the words «Kill Bankers»; he runs out, vomits (we see dark goo), he drinks water and spits some water out and then persuades a few men and the woman outside to begin to clean up the mess and the scene ends.
Anytime I leave her in the crate alone (even just for a few minutes) she does one or more of the following: excessive salivating and vomiting, crying, barking, growling; she has chewed the plastic crate, the plastic tray underneath the wire crate, bedding, a sheet we tried to cover the crate with, has been biting the wire crate, has rubbed the top of her nose raw; she somehow managed to get the plastic tray out from under the wire crate and chewed holes in our carpet.
Vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, running noses, increased urination, rashes, hot spots, infections - Â all of these discharges are the body's way of moving the disease out of the body.
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