Sentences with phrase «voracious eaters»

The phrase "voracious eaters" means people or animals who have a very big appetite and eat a lot of food. Full definition
Since they are on the smaller side, they are not voracious eaters either.
As your baby grows and becomes a more voracious eater, you may start to wonder about introducing solid foods.
It isn't uncommon for dogs to become voracious eaters, stealing from the table or digging in the trash to satiate their uncontrollable hunger.
Faster growth rates also mean that cephalopods will eat more — and they're already voracious eaters, with some species eating 30 % of their body weight each day as adults, according to Pecl.
Typically not voracious eaters, Barbets can benefit from oil supplementation during drier months.
Dogs that are given a selection of choices all in the same line are more likely not to develop a finicky palate and, in fact, are happier and more voracious eaters.
It was a loud, voracious eater.
Like all food bloggers, I'm a voracious eater with too much to say.
The voracious eater of previous times is no longer interested, other than to be comforted when he falls or before he goes to sleep.
Astronomers aren't sure why some galaxies» black holes are voracious eaters, glowing brightly, while others seem dark and inactive, Doeleman says.
They are voracious eaters... Fooling fish into thinking something is food is the entire history of fishing.
A voracious eater, it does the most harm to the soil.
Both animals are «highly fecund and voracious eaters, with the capacity to inhabit large areas, causing damage to endemic and commercially valuable species».
For age - related deaths caused by illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and cancer, the voracious eaters died at three times the rate of restricted monkeys: 14 versus five monkeys, respectively.
The Colorado potato beetle is a voracious eater.
Some galaxies contain supermassive black holes that are voracious eaters, consuming gas, dust and anything else that strays too close, including light.
They also require a well - planned diet, as their Beagle parentage makes them voracious eaters.
Savannah monitors can be voracious eaters.
They are also known for being voracious eaters and have a tendency to put on weight.
Common symptoms include weight loss, change in appetite (usually the cat becomes a voracious eater but keeps losing weight, while others stop eating), heart murmurs, high heart rate, and excessive vocalization (crying).
It may be argued that having such a dog — one who is not a voracious eater but who «grazes» — is a blessing.
I know dachshunds are voracious eaters but I always try to give them the best.
My cat Lilly is a voracious eater.
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