Sentences with phrase «votes counting equally»

If a party can not control its internal affairs better than this, what hope for it to reform politics more widely, including cleaning up party funding and ensuring that everyone's vote counts equally?
If, in a democratic system, every vote counted equally, everyone had an equal say as to how the country is run, then we the people would be able to participate and policies would develop to respond to all our diverse views.
Two quite separate issues need two quite separate ballot papers A better system would make sure that all votes counted equally when it came to determining which party formed the Government.
The Party votes are counted and aggregated nationwide, and therefore all votes count equally in determining the result of this part of the election.
All votes count equally, and everyone gets the same number of votes: one vote per candidate, either for or against.

Not exact matches

It remains an open question as to whether these «abstention votes» should be weighted equally with «positive votes», or whether they should count for less.
However, in a direct election, every vote would count equally and candidates would have an incentive to appeal to all voters, not just those strategically located in swing states.
Bey said his vote on policy issues counts equally with the citywide councilors and he often responds to constituent complaints in other parts of Syracuse.
To accurately decide which cover or title is better you will need to ask over 20 people and count each of their votes equally.
56 Leadership Vote procedure (1) The Leadership Vote is a direct vote of all supporters members of the Party who have a right to vote on the Leadership Vote weighted equally for each electoral district in Canada and counted in accordance with this SectVote procedure (1) The Leadership Vote is a direct vote of all supporters members of the Party who have a right to vote on the Leadership Vote weighted equally for each electoral district in Canada and counted in accordance with this SectVote is a direct vote of all supporters members of the Party who have a right to vote on the Leadership Vote weighted equally for each electoral district in Canada and counted in accordance with this Sectvote of all supporters members of the Party who have a right to vote on the Leadership Vote weighted equally for each electoral district in Canada and counted in accordance with this Sectvote on the Leadership Vote weighted equally for each electoral district in Canada and counted in accordance with this SectVote weighted equally for each electoral district in Canada and counted in accordance with this Section.
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