Sentences with phrase «voting choices»

Last month, the widely respected British Future think tank published new research looking at the ethnic minority vote choices in the last election.
There was an especially sharp increase in the relationship between age and Conservative vote choice for men between 2015 and 2017.
We ought to critically engage our neighbors and use these discussions to inform our affirming vote choice, but only in a constructive manner that seeks out truth, not cheap political points.
Check the stats, get the tale of the tape and vote your choice in our poll at the end of the post!
Changes in party identification were driven primarily by referendum vote choice, especially in the period following the referendum, with «Yes» voters much less likely to continue identifying with Labour and more likely to identify with the SNP.
James Tilley and Geoff Evans (2013), «Ageing and generational effects on vote choice: Combining cross-sectional and panel data to estimate APC effects», Electoral Studies (forthcoming)
There are reasons to believe that ethnicity might effect vote choice, but there are a number of confounding variables which are difficult to control for:
When we take a look at levels and changes in ethnic minority vote choice in a sample weighted to try and correct for these imbalances, the picture is one of evolution, not revolution.
Customers at PTMY will taste each cocktail and vote for their favorite via an interactive app, while consumers at home can vote their choice using the app as well.
The 2010 wave of the survey reported an even smaller proportion in terms of actual vote choice, with only 21 % of 2009 UKIP voters voting UKIP at the 2010 general election.
Well here's a frightening graph for David Cameron: This is 2010 vote choice among those intending to vote UKIP in the European Elections.
In conjunction and affiliation with the national Reform Party USA, Nevadans will be offered a sensible, formidable and soon - to - be-rising political party voting choice for all Nevada's citizens to support.
The results are encrypted so that no government official can see how you individually voted, only you can see your individual voting choices, even as they are aggregated into the national totals.»
Note that the gradient for women is more alike between 2015 and 2017 than it is for men: fewer younger women voted Conservative in each election than older ones, but the age and vote choice relationship strengthened for both genders by 2017.
Seven in 10 say the historic nature of Clinton's candidacy has no bearing on their own vote choice this year.
But what's needed, they say, is more information about those Wikipedia visitors to translate browsing choices into likely voting choices.
Using Multiple Imputation for Vote Choice Data: A Comparison across Multiple Imputation Tools
«Candidate Ethnicity and Vote Choice in Britain» argues for a much more nuanced view, where anti-Muslim sentiment hurts Muslim candidates amongst whites, and helps Pakistani Muslims with their co-ethnics.
First, because age and education are the biggest demographic correlates of referendum vote choice, we have weighted the YouGov respondents in each local authority so that their age and education profile matches that for that council as measured by the 2011 Census.
Comparison of 2010 ethnic minority vote choices on the (also online) YouGov web panel with the more comprehensive Ethnic Minority British Election Study (EMBES) conducted in that same year shows that Tory support in the online sample is 10 points higher, and Labour support 13 - 18 points lower, than among the equivalent groups in the EMBES.
If religion has nothing to do with your vote choice, then vote for Obama if you're Mormon.
Our vote choice ought to reflect this fact.
Trusting laypeople to make the political decisions that are properly theirs gives them room to embrace the Church's doctrines, even if they can not enact all of them in their voting choices.
She is particularly interested in the role of government performance and policies and how this intersects with ethnicity and clientelism to influence party identification and voting choices.
First, our research shows that voters regard a government's choice to time the election strategically and for partisan benefit as significantly less important to their vote choice than the incumbent's policy performance and party leadership.
Rosalind is a Teaching Fellow at the University of Bath and recently completed her D.Phil at the University of Oxford on gender gaps in vote choice and attitudes, and how they differ between generations.
When the vote choices are limited, then republican can be the most rational choice of the 2.
Independent peers could be elected by having «Independent» (for a list of independent candidates) as a voting choice alongside the political parties.
Crucially, these changes to vote choice were linked to changing partisan identities.
The differences across age group are consistent with data from the BES panel study, which shows a larger increase in Labour vote choice for younger women, and a larger increase in Conservative vote choice for older men.
The major selling point of the Dashboard in 2015 was providing context for a voting choice constrained by the First Past the Post voting system.
They expressed their disappointment to Citi FM's Samurais, a pre-election constituency watch team who were in the Western Region to speak to residents about what would inform their voting choices.
After correcting the false statements, the scholars also asked the survey's respondents if they were less likely to support Trump as a result — but found the candidate's factual issues were largely irrelevant to the respondents» voting choices.
Iñárritu still manages the only 10 vote choice but Burton, PTA and Miller gain one more vote.
Students read fictional biographies of German citizens and make hypotheses about the citizens» voting choices in the Weimar elections.
Many people who have been polled after the fact of an election report that they voted for the candidates who showed up at their front doors, and that that was the major reason for their voting choice, regardless of party the candidate door knocker belonged to.
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