Sentences with phrase «vow of chastity»

Elizabeth led the Sisters after taking vows of chastity and obedience to Bishop Carroll, who gave her the title «Mother Seton.»
Holloway preferred - a personal vow of chastity for the sake of the Kingdom of God - provides the means, or framework for specifically priestly loving.
Cue much soul - searching for the Templar as he wrestles with vows of chastity.
It is important to say at the outset that the consecration of virginity is the consecration of an existing state of virginity and not a prospective vow of chastity, even if the two have the same practical effect concerning the future; a further important distinction is that consecrated virginity is a permanent state from which one can not be dispensed.
In all these senses it is a different charism from a religious vow of chastity, even if its practical prospective effect is similar.
Shortly after hearing the sermon he took a vow of chastity, and, convinced that God was calling him to a more hidden life, began to detach himself from church activities.
The «new monasticism» means that if you want to be Christian and are «gay» you can't have any sex, i.e. it puts you back into the monastary with its vows of chastity, especially to become something holy, all of which the reformation did away with.
If a young man was a horny fellow, couldn't get sex off of his mind, taking a vow of chastity would be VERY unwise!
Shall I take a vow of chastity?
With regard to certain problems about sexuality that have become prominent in recent years, it is worth noting that Ignatius was very strict in his interpretation of the vow of chastity.
Yet full time membership in a Zen monastery or center is an extremely demanding enterprise, leading in some cases to vows of chastity and poverty.
Understanding my sexuality is one of the reasons why I'm willing to take a vow of chastity for the rest of my life.
(CNN)-- Catholic nuns take a vow of chastity, so you might not think that any sister would need to be on birth control.
In the Middle Ages it is said that monks took it to help with the vow of chastity.
It was once called «monk's pepper» because it was believed to lower libido, so chefs at monasteries used to grind it up as a replacement for pepper and serve it to the monks to help them stay true to their vows of chastity.
It's a story of longing and sacrifice; a romance that can never be, given their vows of chastity.
This «vow of chastity» was created by von Trier and Thomas Vinterberg, a fellow Dane who's avant - garde approach to filmmaking focussed on traditional values of visual storytelling and a refusal to use special effects, post-production tweaks, or any reliance on gimmicks, sound effects, and so on.
Among the works included in the exhibition: Katharina Fritsch's Still Life 7 (2017), in which a statue of St Aloysius, an Italian aristocrat who renounced his wealth and took a vow of chastity and poverty, is joined with an over-sized apple, a strawberry, and a seashell, which for Fritsch are female symbols, on a specially made pedestal.
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