Sentences with phrase «vows till death do us part»

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Very importantly, in this relationship of a total, formed apostolate of men and women, boys and girls together, there begins to grow a love delightful, chaste and respectful which leads to the beauty of fully Catholic marriage, marriage in the fulness of the Faith and its ideals, with the vow «till death do us part» fully understood and given.
And they also allow us to weed out a man or woman who, despite promising to love, honor and cherish us above all others «till death do us part,» is more likely to break that vow.
The upshot, he says, is that although fewer might choose to marry, those who went through with it anyway might truly live up to their «till death do us part» vow.
They vow to care for each other «for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish» till death do us part
With so many couples starting their new life together with those sorts of expectations — even as they vow «till death do we part» — it's no wonder they become self - fulfilling prophecies.
It will be a much more healthy marriage if spouses pledge to each other they will regularly make themselves physically available to each other even when the excitement is gone from their sex life than to say, «I love you and I vow to love you «till death do us part
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