Sentences with phrase «vulnerable feelings hidden»

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You do not hide from each other and you feel comfortable being vulnerable and truthful to each other.
For the first time in the series, McGee is truly vulnerable: «In all my approximately seventy - six inches of torn and mended flesh and hide, in all my approximately fifteen - stone weight of meat, bone, and dismay, I sat on that damned bed and felt degraded.»
A better option is to create tunnels so she can privately go from one hiding place to the food bowl or litter box without feeling so vulnerable.
The team explored (and rejected) many scenarios designed to make the player feel small or vulnerable: hiding until a monster passes; building a shelter against a giant sandstorm; collaboratively climbing to reach great heights.
They are at once hidden and completely vulnerable, so that the social and psychological questions they raise can also be read, in an art setting, as questions about what it feels like to display the products of one's private labor before a discerning and possibly judgmental audience.
In psychodynamic therapy approaches, people who resort to violence in order to hide deeper emotions are encouraged to become conscious of the more vulnerable feelings that may underlie their aggression.
I notice that I'm very good at hiding, and am often not even aware of, my more vulnerable feelings.
He recommends that couples should be vulnerable instead of defensive by targeting «the real hurt or fear that they are feeling which is hiding under their anger.»
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