Sentences with phrase «vulnerable feelings such»

The person discloses his or her more vulnerable feelings such as fear, shame, desire and wonder in addition to less vulnerable feelings such as anger and frustration.
It's important to understand that anger is often a red herring which covers up more vulnerable feelings such as embarrassment, sadness, and hopelessness.

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When lying, people also instinctively cover vulnerable body parts, such as the head, neck, or abdomen, because lying makes them feel exposed, vulnerable, and open to attack.
From this experience, I can say that sometimes words or talking are not always necessary; just to feel another human touch and not to be alone at such a vulnerable time is all is needed.
It is both revealing and unfortunate that the one place we * ought * to be able to let our guards down, be transparent and vulnerable with other people, be encouraged and loved «warts and all» is the very place we feel the least comfortable exposing ourselves in such a way.
The problem I address is that promoting such a culture makes single women feel more vulnerable.
When I witness someone suffering, including myself, I realize that we are either too afraid to share our pain, we allow ourselves to be honest and vulnerable and we are then judged, misunderstood or dismissed, or we really don't have anyone we feel connected to and trust in such a way to provide the necessary space we need for the disclosure.
If you are feeling vulnerable but have a supportive family member such as a sister, ask her to be your buddy for the day and help you with your children or deflect criticism that comes your way.
«Such impacts are usually disproportionately felt by the most vulnerable sections of our population - children and the elderly,» Dr Lal said.
Molly has a unique way of making you feel comfortable and supported during such a vulnerable time.
The most common however are manifestations such as an inability to feel love and compassion, an inability to open up and be vulnerable with others in a loving relationship, being socially awkward, holding contempt for yourself and others, shyness, bitterness and lack of trust for anyone but yourself.
Sometimes I wonder what value there is in sharing such personal and challenging things about myself online, but then I remember a time I read a blog post or article by another woman that made me feel supported, understood and validated, and I strive to be authentic and vulnerable because I want to do that for others, too.
It's no secret that the horrible people in the world who want to hurt the good ones — especially if they're in a vulnerable situation such as being single and feeling lonely — ruin everything for them.
I felt a little vulnerable because of my lack of dating experience and recieving guidance from someone knowledgeable, such as yourself, makes me feel comfort.
Such a vulnerable movie that if it were a little less sappy, one might feel compelled to protect it, as if it were someone under 7 or over 65 — that portion of the public for which it is intended.
Deliberately paced, the drama may be unhurried and somewhat supine for its 89 - minute running time, but the picture is so invested in telling its story with such an emotionally honest, unsparing and vulnerable countenance, that the viewer's patience does largely pay off, although it may leave some audiences feeling restless.
The school will provide a «safe space» where vulnerable students can go at break and lunchtime if they feel in need of such provision.
When the pain is really severe, the dog feels everything as a treat, because it is really vulnerable at this moment, and some dogs may even become aggressive in such a situation.
As such, they may be hesitant about new environments or new situations where they feel vulnerable to predators.
Your kitty may feel that there's no escape route from such a vulnerable position.
From vulnerable one second to empowered the next, DONTNOD has created such a believable and accepting female protagonist, that as a player you begin to care and feel her emotions in each scenario as if they were your own.
This resolution presents that the Council noted «climate change - related impacts have a range of implications, both direct and indirect, for the effective enjoyment of human rights...» and that such effects «will be felt most acutely by those segments of the population who are already in a vulnerable situation.»
Restructuring can often involve increased security to lenders from any given company, with the unsecured creditors, such as the pension scheme, feeling increasingly vulnerable.
When feelings seem too vulnerable to share, we offer up substitutes to our partners, such as frustration, irritation, or anger.
In such marriages, one spouse likely feels betrayed, vulnerable, worthless, angry, and possibly depressed; the other spouse may feel guilty about ending the marriage and yet angry about the relentless blame and clinging behavior of his or her spouse.
To talk about such deeply felt, meaningful, and personal things is to make oneself vulnerable.
You learn which behaviors are helpful and harmful to your relationship, how to manage conflict and the keys to a long, fulfilling and satisfying relationship.The workbook we use is awesome and includes several private exercises such as connecting and increasing knowledge, fondness and admiration of each other; conflict management and vulnerable dialogue such as stating feelings / needs, identifying / avoiding the 4 horsemen, and creating shared meaning and rituals.
You're comfortable telling your partner about things that make you feel vulnerable such as worries about getting laid off.
None of us want to feel negative or uneasy feelings, such as not feeling good enough, doubts about the future of the relationship, hurt over being blamed, etc., so we protect these vulnerable parts of ourselves, hoping to never be hurt again.
Take time to be accountable and vulnerable; asking questions such as «I hear you say that you felt hurt because my actions made you question my love for you, and so you put distance between us.
Despite the initial very difficult transition during which you are likely overwhelmed with numerous painful thoughts and feelings, going through therapy at such a vulnerable time often results in deepening of insight and self - love, healing attachment wounds and preparing for healthier and more successful future relationships (to both friends or future partners).
In order to open up to your partner and share yourself in such a vulnerable way, you must know that your partner is emotionally available to respond to your feelings and needs.
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