Sentences with phrase «vulnerable minorities»

Several governments including Canada have domestic legal obligations to protect vulnerable minorities from climate change which they are not fulfilling.
Christians however have been targeted with criminal charges by a police force as zealous as the extremists they are meant to be protecting vulnerable minorities from.
With respect, I can not see why society's views of Charter claimants — especially in the context of vulnerable minorities — should be a factor for determining whether a Charter right was part of the Constitution in 1985, or whether it sprung into existence later and thereby be a basis for denying retroactive relief.
It is a disgrace what happened to the Jews and other vulnerable minorities in WWII, I don't see evidence for a «miracle» anywhere.
With the coming into force of the Constitution Act, 1982 we became a mature liberal democracy with much greater rights protection for vulnerable minorities and all citizens.
Despite the blatant obviousness that being fired for being too attractive clearly disproportionately affects women rather than men, the Court seemed unmoved by arguments that equality does not necessarily mean identical treatment of men and women but may also necessitate proactive steps to protect vulnerable minorities.
The State Department argued it was already prioritizing the «vulnerable minorities
The calls for civil disobedience that some of your contributors issued should be alarming to anyone and most of all to members of a vulnerable minority like the Jews.
At its best, the religious right kept the focus on a vulnerable minority that easily becomes invisible to those with power: unborn children.
I don't want to be a Christian whining about my rights, but if they go away, what will happen to my neighbor who belongs to vulnerable minority?
The Administration says that its budget supports the vulnerable, and the Javits program is the only dedicated federal funding stream to support the vulnerable minority and low - income gifted students who are overlooked.
The goals of a free and democratic society include further and deeper discourse, but when expression is aimed at marginalizing a vulnerable minority, these goals are not achieved.
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