Sentences with phrase «vulnerable than fear»

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Of course it can easily be argued that since primitive man is far more vulnerable than we are he has to invent, out of his fear and insecurity, «gods» with greater knowledge and power than he has himself.
I remember how it felt early on, and I hate the idea that vulnerable new mothers come across this and start making choices out of fear, rather than what's best for them and their families.
«If Gov. Cuomo is resorting to fear tactics for political purposes, he is also admitting that other forms of state spending are more important than providing healthcare to vulnerable populations,» said upstate lawmakers in a joint statement.
But the new study shows that «vulnerable bears fear dominant [fellow bears] more than they fear people.»
Despite fears of being vulnerable, of being loved and loving, most men want to be honorable rather than be cads.
As these two men are allowing themselves to become more vulnerable and sharing their demons and doubts and worst fears, I started to realize that this framing device was weirdly more compelling than all the whale action.
Gordon elicits fear into the imagination of onlookers via this simple act of public performance art, in an era where the travelling loner is seen as threatening rather than vulnerable.
See: Polling: «More Americans believe in haunted houses than man - made global warming» — 37 % vs. 36 % — October 30, 2009 — For another explanation of why climate fear promoters are failing to convince the public, see: MIT Climate Scientist: «Ordinary people see through man - made climate fears — but educated people are very vulnerable» — July 6, 2009]
Already more susceptible to exploitation by terrorists than the refugee process because applicants are not screened before entering the United States, the credible fear process is particularly vulnerable to fraud, hindering the effectiveness of expedited removal and undermining the immigration enforcement system.
The battle of wills in even a moderately difficult divorce, in which two adults struggle with the urges and needs of a younger psyche — as if the other person is more a parent than another vulnerable adult, when coupled with the fear attending almost every severing of this intimate bond, will often lock people into a miasma of pain and resentment, which simply can not be hidden from the children.
He may do so by becoming critical of his wife, given that he may feel more comfortable with his anger than with his sadness, or he may deal with his underlying fear that he does not matter, by dialing back his expectations and retreating inward where he can feel safer and not so vulnerable.
Once a more dominant partner is helped to acknowledge, tolerate, and express the more vulnerable parts of them, they are then able to communicate these and get another response than the one they fear.
While Facebook is charging a lower price than its competitors, it might still be tough sell to businesses who fear that social media could fuel more negativity in the workplace or make them more vulnerable to legal risks.
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