Sentences with phrase «vulnerable time»

I am not perfect obviously but I'm always willing to examine my assumptions to improve my care of patients in one of the most vulnerable times in their lives.
Support is crucial, this is the most vulnerable time in her life and it is important you support her along the way.
Even the decisions of new mothers who are arguably at a very vulnerable time in their lives.
Add in the many holiday season scams related to charitable giving, and this is a particularly vulnerable time for senior citizens.
I have deliberately surrounded myself with good people who share my passion and commitment to serving our clients during this very vulnerable time of their lives.
Yet pregnancy and maternity are an especially vulnerable time for working women and their families.
«In issuing this injunction, the court has failed to protect pregnant women in an extremely vulnerable time in their lives,» she said.
This is because they are at a more vulnerable time of their life and their immune system is weaker.
The period of a few days when a bird is learning to fly is one of the most vulnerable time periods of its life.
Birth is a really vulnerable time in your life, you deserve to be cared for with kindness.
But It must have found me at a particularly vulnerable time because all I could think was, all I make are flowers.
If midwives want to provide services to women at a medically vulnerable time, there must be standards and accountability.
If those policies don't match your ideal birth, then it takes support to be able to communicate your wishes during an emotionally and physically vulnerable time.
A dog pregnancy is one of the most amazing, yet vulnerable times for a female dog as well as her unborn puppies.
Previous research has shown that a woman's 20s, 30s, and 40s can be a particularly vulnerable time for healthy habits, she adds, with competing demands from work and family.
When someone has an accident and suffers from an injury, this is often one of the most vulnerable times in that person's life.
We see that changes in leadership are particularly vulnerable times for school communities.
One of the most vulnerable times in a child's life is during birth.
There is no more vulnerable time for mothers, fathers, and children than during pregnancy and postpartum, when psychiatric admissions rise higher than any other time in a woman's life.
Sunshine says hospitals will have to continue to look at ways patients can be protected, particularly during vulnerable times such as the flu season.
It is necessary to reduce predation and damage, particularly at vulnerable times of the year such as nesting seasons.
Its certainly good to know they are feeling vulnerable this time around, and we should be more confident we can beat them too, especially with the second game being at the Emirates....
«This program reaches an extremely vulnerable population at an extremely vulnerable time with the best treatment available for opioid use disorder,» said study co-author Dr. Josiah «Jody» Rich, professor of medicine and epidemiology at Brown University and director of the Center for Prisoner Health and Human Rights at The Miriam Hospital in Providence.
The ONIWG & IAVGO Community Legal Clinic Factum addresses, with reference to Ontario's Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, the duty of workers» compensation boards to fulfill what should be one of their key responsibilities: ensuring that injured workers» human rights are respected at a crucial and vulnerable time as they return to work.
«It's the most vulnerable time frame [in a person's life].»
It can be used to develop tools, policies and programs to prevent the mistreatment of women at an obviously vulnerable time.
«It's a highly vulnerable time for these women,» said Battle, who is also a psychologist at Butler Hospital and Women & Infants Hospital.
If you calculate your life insurance needs correctly, a 20 or 30 year term life insurance policy should cover your family's living expenses and liabilities during the most financially vulnerable time for you.
Children are experiencing the trauma of their parents» separation, and judges often see parting them from each other as an added cruelty at an already vulnerable time.
«We're going to see years where almost no chicks survive if climate change makes storms bigger and more frequent during vulnerable times of the breeding season as climatologists predict,» Rebstock said.
This was an especially vulnerable time for me, since Sheila was off at college on the West Coast.
Periods of job hunting can seem like very vulnerable times in one's life, but with a good resume by your side, you are armed for whatever the market throws at you.
«Puberty is a really vulnerable time for a young woman, and the fact that it's not talked about enough can make you feel uncomfortable being the one to bring it up in conversation,» she says.
Question: Describe your most vulnerable time with your partner and how it brought you closer together?
Hospitals aren't luxury resorts, nurses aren't servants and there will be a line, but I feel that it's important to be mindful of the fact that, even in the absence of complications or the need for intervention, birth can be a frightening, overwhelming and emotional experience, and is an extremely vulnerable time for many women.
Loughran won by a 57 - 42 percent margin, which was surprising given that Loughran won with 52 percent in 2015 and was thought to be more vulnerable this time.
«Their organ systems aren't mature and their detox methods are not in place, so cord blood gives us a good picture of exposure during this most vulnerable time of life.»
Maryland's Baltimore County Public Schools closely examines the academic progress of students in ninth grade, which research shows is a particularly vulnerable time for students to start failing high school.
How AA is really a religious organization «hell bent» on making people into jesus freaks during the most vulnerable time of their lives.
It's a great story to read along to at any age, but I particularly loved seeing a group of friends in a vulnerable time in life (and a hyper - vulnerable station in life) come together and show each other the loyalty they couldn't get anywhere else.
It was fun to feel a delayed sense of communion over the things that made us laugh, think creatively, or gave us a place to belong in a vulnerable time.
Take advantage of the most frightening and vulnerable time in a person's life to impose your vile fantasies of a tortuous after life.
From this experience, I can say that sometimes words or talking are not always necessary; just to feel another human touch and not to be alone at such a vulnerable time is all is needed.
Lord, forgive me for carrying such guilt & shame over my own sinful past & former sexual dysfunction that I haven't had guts enough at critical times to call out grievous sexual misconduct & to help by Your power, leadership & grace make the world a safer place for the vulnerable
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