Sentences with phrase «w o r»

& W O R K H I S T O R Y Focusing on driving sales while developing a sales machine: Sales operations hiring IT & developing compelling value propositions for sales & marketing messaging.
.3 -5 h / r o f w o r k a day..
.3 -5 h / r o f w o r k a day..
.3 -5 h / r o f w o r k a days..
For this exhibition, Spichtig will present an installation of sculpture, painting, and sound w o r k, t i t l e d» B a c k d r o p s f o r P r i m i t i v e s.»
3 -5 h o f w o r k a day..
Doing your hair right in the morning before heading to school is the w o r s t.
W A L L Y W O R L D. Yes, these fun spring flower earrings were $ 4 at my local Walmart (similar similar similar similar) I couldn't leave the store without getting them and the matching blue pair.
In 1971, Judy Chicago and Miriam Shapiro organized W O M A N H O U S E, a feminist art installation taking over and redefining an entire house.

Not exact matches

1 / 8Graphic: U.S. yield curve flattest in over a decade: 8 Z t G F X E D C E 1 I P O N W t 1 t R T R G F X G t B A S E I M A G E.
f s r c = s c n / t w / t e / b l / e d / t e s l a i s h e a d i n g f o r a c a s h c r u n c h t h e n e x t c i r c l e o f h e l l in The Economist, which said the electric carmaker...
I see about 2,893 Chinese Bitcoin «Thunder mining machines» online which are accessible via telnet w / o any password.
Twitter is my name, s h e l h o r o w i t z
What is better than getting paid w / o work life can be so much fun and could provide an avenue to explore hidden talents in spare time.
reborners, everyone of them, is absolutely clueless, brainwashed, has a book do all their thinking, reparded, is an imbecile, indoctrinated, duped by his parents, abused by priests, hates almost everyone, is a hypocrite, unthinking, addicted to religion, closed - minded, untrustworthy, greedy, two - faced, cheap, shallow, biased, republican, racist, uneducated, materialistic, boring, bland, judgmental, w / o love and knowledge of the bible, child abusing abortionists and genocidal cowboys and pro-slavery
I am a Muslim and contribute to all charities that serve our communities whether it is diabled veterans, the police, St. Jude's, ADA, Doctor's w / o borders, Neighbohood Health centers and so on.
You wo - r - s — hi - p that which you do not know; we w - o - r - sh - ip that which we know, for salvation is from the Jews.
While there is w / o question a random component to all historically contingent processes, biochemistry and evolutionary theory and specifically the theory of natural selection are NOT about random processes, but powerfully probabilistic or even deterministic processes.
are you an atheist cause you are like that person born w / o the capacity to sense the world around him at all?
His conclusion was that the lion was more gentle: Its jaws could bring down a wildebeest yet at the same time pick up and carry a small cub w / o harm.
I'm going to type this really s - l - o - w - l - y so perhaps you can FINALLY understand it: There are NO CNN Mod Squadders like you continue to trick yourself into believing!!!
you know w / o a doubt god isn't, right?
To be a consistent atheist, you have to realize that w / o a God, you're ultimately not responsible to anything or anyone outside yourself.
For there can be no true love w / o self sacrifice and giving - which would be impossible in a world without free will, alternative choices, and both positive and negative consequences associciated with those choices.
Good riddence, you shall not see me cry as the w h o r e of Babylon is dragged away to her execution kicking and screaming.
What's even more sickening is to listen to the media w h o r e s clicking their cameras so they can publish this garbage and create more violences even more sickening is to listen to the media w h o r e s clicking their cameras so they can publish this garbage and create more violence.
I asked a question on my FB page, «Would you invite a man who burned a dog at a stake with half - green wood s - l - o - w - l - y, so that he suffered agonizingly for half an hour before dying, to your church?
There is nothing in my religion that prevents me from running a got w / o brutality and oppression.
Doesn't make it not a burger just makes it a burger w / o cheese but to me that is the way I like it.
So what are you saying Joe... people can't use proven steps w / o eliminating what doesn't work for them personally???? I mean just cuz you need that god crutch does not mean everyone else does.
Also, there is the issue that people can and do make their lives better w / o Christianity, and many people that do have Christianity do NOT have better lives (as you've noted).
Well, if you just take the papers w / o looking at it at the right angle, you'll notice that it's a picture that looks like it» s a puzzle piece broken apart.s a picture that looks like it» s a puzzle piece broken apart..
I agree that we need to be praying w / o ceasing, but some concentrated prayer time is a good thing too.
My computer sent on it's own w / o my finishing... that it's everyone's responsibility to read His letter to us (the Bible) on their own.
if blind-folded Christians would wake up and question W H Y some things that they do and observe D O N» T go with the Bible, contradict it or don't make sense, they would see how much H I S T O R Y has impacted it.
Also, to be fully ordained in the Assemblies, you had to be a licensed senior pastor for 3 yrs w / o blemish.So in the «world» I'm ordained, but within AG itself I was only licensed.
clearly, from even just a cursory reading of the final form of either (again, w / o reference to authorship), continuity is evident.
The only indication of his purpose for the visit is given in the verb i s t o r e w, which carries the sense of «visit to inquire of or get information from».
(Or maybe it's possible to have boundary w / o center — and therefore, w / o direction — but not center without boundary).
The repetition of a n q r w p o x (seven times in vv.
If He came to any town anywhere in the states w / o people knowing who He was, and offered up fish and loaves to people, He would feel empty inside when he sees the squabbling over who was in line first, who got more, how long it's taking.
Do not pros t it ute th y dau ghter, to cause her to be a w h o r e; lest the land fall to w h o r e d o m, and the land become full of wic k e dness.
He was loyal and rue to his God and Father to the end, w / o diverting from even a moment.
Olease read s l o w l y, lol??.
You are W - R - O - N - G.
Build business, employ workers, improve skillsets so that people can become self - sufficient and more productive, grow the business, hire more people, teach them to save (not impulse buy $ 1000 rims or whatever the Jones» have)... not only will they actually be able to afford healthcare w / o public subsidy, but they will also be able to save money in order to send their kids to college to become doctors.
That's what the communist used to say — however, their evil empire collapsed — not quite a peaceful empire w / o religion was it?
You're just some random w - h - o - r - e who probably race mixes for fun and profit.
You chose that w - h - o - r - e, Dude... or did she get pregnant by sitting on the seat that you had occupied on the bus?
Especially since abortion is used as birth control in this day and age so women can run around w - h - o - r - i - n - g around.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z