Sentences with phrase «waddling in»

I am waddling in pain and my arms feel like they've had yellow fever injections in both shoulders.
Boulders Beach is home to 3,000 jackass penguins, which are often spotted waddling in and out of the sea.
Oh, I saved it in my «to blog» list - but, I guess, the duck waddling in my head moved me in other directions.
The sunny, generous Mary (Sally Hawkins) is waddling in new recreational waters, training to swim across the English Channel.
Well, you can also take some food with you and feed the ducks together and enjoy watching them waddling in the water and quacking around.
«A midwife was on the set daily to teach my appropriate waddling in 6 - inch heels.
I waddled in, dizzy because of the blood loss at this point.
By the way, I'm currently rockin'this super comfy Momo Maternity dress that's perfect for me to waddle in and stay warm this winter.
The underused Skurge waddles in his arc of a guilt - stricken traitor, who gains agency too late, but the emotional impact needs a lot more than brief shots over faces of desperate, helpless Asgardians.
Whether you choose to move on from your struggles and enjoy life or waddle in your misery, life will continue.
What redeemed the show for me was an experience I had right before I saw it: a crab waddled in front of me on the sidewalk.
Or you're with your signficant other in a swish restaurant and Mr Creosote, an impossibly fat man, waddles in, swears at the host, and vomits copiously into buckets.
I was wearing my painting clothes and, in the middle of it, my youngest, then a toddler, waddled in and flushed the toilet.

Not exact matches

Fat America Teenagers in the U.S. regularly weighing in at 235 pounds as they waddle to the couch to play video games?
The film ends with Charlie running along the border, hopping back and forth from one side to the other, waddling off with one foot in Mexican «lawlessness» and the other in American «law and order,» trying his best to mediate between the two.
They do not have to waddle through life as they are — simple little ducks in a nice straight row following their leader.
It is not a right and wrong choice he is presenting, rather an appeal to choose one side or the other, rather than waddling arround in one's own filth in the middle.
April 16, 2012 at 11:26 am Disgruntledness becoming the unrighteousness renditionings of verboseness and in rancidities» lamentations do the dogs waggle and waddle upon dribblings of their ownliness fruits!
I live in Japan now (talk about a fish out of water) and can't find lard (which is a blessing in disguise... I need to waddle away from my lard liking roots).
It took me a solid minute to waddle down our stairs and in that minute I contemplated throwing the rest of the cream pops in the trash because they're so good that there's a 50 % chance I'm going to end up in another fat - induced coma later tonight.
Bjorn waddled up to me and said, in that robotic way of his, «I do not want to lose this set.»
But this much waddling antiquity was a seismic shock to tourists» sensibilities, especially in a town that admires thong outfits for reasons beyond historical accuracy.
@ a star you could be right because when marseille (my hometown) won the CL league many many years ago:) they were done for bribing opponents but they were rumours of doping, im sure chris» magic» waddle could tell us, apparently they used to get injections before games, all this stuff going on was the reason WENGER decided to leave french football because he thought it was impossible for others french teams to win the league in a fair manner!!
Mata has grown to be their creator - in - chief while Shrek Rooney continues to waddle into mediocrity.
Gone was the experience of strapping my newborn in a car - seat, and waddling down the hospital hallway with my ill fitting clothes and pads upon pads wadded between my legs (sorry for that mental picture).
She wasn't too interested, and on an entirely selfish level, I could hardly picture myself being able to race with her to any bathroom whilst pregnant with twins when at best all I had in me was a haphazard waddle.
I felt the same thing with my chidren, esp my second and third — they'd feel «high up» in the morning, and significantly lower (to the point where I'd be waddling) by the end of the day.
Princess was content to stay in our yard and waddle behind us as we planted small marigolds and did our weeding.
Here kids can waddle and slide like penguins, explore caves and watch the whales in the underwater viewing area.
I was worried that I might miss them this year being about to have a baby any day, but I waddled my 39 + week pregnant body to the woods yesterday and was happy to see how much is already in bloom.
I still use the BumGenius with Jude although they are in the process of having the hook and loop replaced by Quacks and Waddles at the moment.
Gamblers can waddle over to Lake Arlington in Arlington Heights and float their hopes on plastic ducks.
And starts waddling toward the kiddie potty I put in the living room, undies dripping.
I sat in at least ten different options, waddling my pregnant self down the row in the back of the store.
Your toddler has been waddling around the Earth for a little while now, so they may not have the digestive sensitivity of a tiny baby anymore, but their systems are still in need of TLC.
Yet I knew the sun would do us all some good, so we wrapped that precious little bundle up in a cozy little wrap, and we waddled our way to freedom.
In fact, after giving birth twice in that maternity ward, my husband and I just waddled over to get our own birthing ball when we were in labor with our third chilIn fact, after giving birth twice in that maternity ward, my husband and I just waddled over to get our own birthing ball when we were in labor with our third chilin that maternity ward, my husband and I just waddled over to get our own birthing ball when we were in labor with our third chilin labor with our third child.
Every doctor appointment begins with hopping (or waddling) up for a weigh - in.
They would waddle and fall, waddle and slide, and little by little they came all the way over to see our massive ship wedged in the sea ice.
Still, penguins wouldn't have to waddle if they didn't have such diminutive legs in the first place.
In order to study the biomechanics of penguin walking, graduate student Timothy M. Griffin of the University of California at Berkeley and Rodger Kram of the University of Colorado coaxed emperor penguins at San Diego Sea World to waddle across a force platform.
Was it 4 million years ago, when Australopithecus afarensis waddled through the mud in eastern Africa?
However, they did discover decreases in the penguin's waddling amplitude, meaning the heavier birds had a more exaggerated waddle.
When you're waddling around the house in your pajamas at 2 a.m. (or 2 p.m.!)
Our yard looked super white trashy at the time, but after putting a pool in the middle of our front yard and waddling my huge pregnant booty out there in a bikini, I figure that my white trashiness has reached the point of no return, so here goes.
While you may think you know everything you need to know about the condition that has you waddling like a duck, you may find what's actually happening in your body surprising.
Impressive natural in terms of weight, but I was at almost 275 with heart issues, and was getting to where everything in life was hard or painful, and all I could was waddle up to the rack, do my reps and phase out afterward.
These make waddling around in my massive coat bearable and end up looking adorable once I shed the thing indoors.
I waddled from about 7 months on with my second and was a hot mess, but was preggo in the summer in Florida and it was so HOT!
I mean really, every meal I've ever had — especially in Paris — has been a two - part act of 1) arriving in jittery enthusiasm with dance moves that impress no judge, and 2) waddling out belt unbuckled and unladylike, burping the alphabet in post-meal euphoria.
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