Sentences with phrase «wafts over»

Unlike thunderstorms, tornadoes need a rotational source such as when warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico wafts over the southeast and strong Jetstream air aloft arrives from a westerly direction, as during the tragic string of tornadoes in April 2011.
Like smoke from a sugarhouse, the sound of the drum curls around the stone dining hall and wafts over the alumni house before dissipating into the Maine woods.
Throughout, Jonny Greenwood's omnipresent and beguiling score wafts over the drama, melding with diegetic sound, including pieces of music placed in the world of the characters.
In a review for New York magazine's, Emily Yoshida added, «There's a kind of late afternoon enchantment that wafts over the film and keeps the characters fixated on some other life they could be living.
This month, NASA aircraft will begin studying a natural atmospheric laboratory off the coast of Namibia, where a layer of smoke wafts over a low cloud deck.
I hate it when the stink of politics wafts over into college football, but some stenches should follow you wherever you go for the rest of your life, if only to warn others.
We are untroubled by the son's anguished lament, «I am no longer worthy to be called your son,» because the aroma of fatted calf roasting on the spit wafts over the narrative, and covers up the fetid stench of the pigsty.
The report came as residents of Houston reported an «unbearable» chemical smell wafting over the city, according to the Washington Post.
While having a glass of white on a recent Sunday afternoon a blast of genius wafted over my ice cold glass of Pinot Grigio.
Bringing lunch gets stale faster than yesterday's ham sandwich, especially when tempting smells waft over from the next cubicle.
But thanks to prevailing winds that waft over the Pacific, the U.S. pays for its cheap - goods obsession via air quality on the West Coast.
«Not only do I feel just a little vulnerable, but... all that fish breath is wafting over me,» he recalled for the audience.
Wafting over the Atlantic, it may have lessened the intensity of the 2006 hurricane season.
Shades of purple and red waft over its surface, and it almost seems to be breathing, keeping time with the rapt crowd.
Uniquely spherical magnetic minerals wafted over the world by coal burning can be found from peat bogs to lake sediments and may furnish a record of this carbon combustion for future geologists.
By ROBERT BUDERI A light mist wafted over England on the morning of Sunday, 15 September 1940.
Incense has been key to religious and societal ceremonies for thousands of years, wafting over the offerings of kings in ancient Egypt and the aisles of St. Peter's Basilica as a holy and worship - inducing smoke.
In the lateral line, we find that most of this signal is normally just wafting over the cells» heads,» says Gilmour.
Now it's the turn of the Indian Ocean, where pollution from the subcontinent has been wafting over the Bay of Bengal, cooling the sea surface and weakening the annual monsoon.
As adult and adolescent worms were gently held in custom - built traps under microscopes, odors were wafted over their noses to see which smell neurons were activated.
Ann Hornaday, Washington Post: ««The Magnificent Seven» is fine as far as it goes, but — especially when the familiar strains of the 1960 theme song begin wafting over the final scenes — one can't help feeling that it should have gone much further.»
LONG BEACH, California — Dense clouds of tire smoke and feverish electronica recently wafted over Long Beach after the party that is Formula Drift invaded the city's grand prix circuit.
It won't waft over rough patches in the road, instead communicating each little jolt to the driver, as if it were an instrument designed to measure road surfaces.
I've had it for almost a week and I still find myself seeking out rain gutters to attack just to feel how composed the air bag suspension and Dynamic Damper Control are when wafting over them.
He's hearing you (and likely catching your scent on the air that wafted over as you approached).
Let the trade winds waft over you off the beautiful Pacific as you laze on the covered lanai with its outdoor dining area.
Sliding glass walls open the living and dining room to each other and to the terrace, letting the warm breezes waft over the tufted sofas, polished tile floors, and a long dining table that seats up to fourteen.
The modus operandi in the Gili islands is mostly relaxing on a powder white beach, cooling off periodically in the clear shallow waters, a spot of snorkelling and then wafting over to a café or warung for a bite to eat.
Slide - away glass doors let you open the great room to the terrace for one seamless indoor - outdoor living space where the ocean breezes waft over the slipcovered sofas.
Constant currents waft over the island's reefs all year round which bring in the marine life.
Here you can relax on your balcony cooled by the breezes that waft over the highland paddy terraces and watch the farmers bend and stoop in coolie hats as they tend their crops.
At the Dakota ceremony on Friday, the low throb of the drums ground the beats of traditional Dakota music while the smell of sage wafted over the crowd.
The 160m2 SkySail kite wafting over the cargo at the bow of the 132m Multi Purpose Heavy Lift Carrier MS «Beluga SkySails» is a beautiful sight.
I not sure why Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting hasn't sought to dissect this exchange, as well, given how the group went after The Times for downplaying the risk from traces of Japanese radiation wafting over North America.
Fed - up residents in Michigan's most polluted zip code say the tar sands refinery next door is causing toxic emissions to waft over their neighborhood — and they want out.
Toxic emissions from the smokestacks — unwittingly called «cloud factories» by local kids — would waft over the sky in Little Village, while coal dust from the plants» stockpile settled onto houses and school grounds.

Not exact matches

Sitting in a steepled building with stained glass remembrances of Jesus» life while munching a bit of bread and sipping a bit of juice somehow does not help us catch a glimpse of Jesus nearly so easily as munching some potato chips and sipping from a bottle of water alongside a group of people who live in the streets, as the coastal breezes waft the ever - present stench of urine from the nearby walls and bushes over our little group.
Otherwise there is some soothing melody which lulls to sleep or wafts the mind on its gentle breezes over a garden of delightful reminiscences or sensuous desires.
Their intoxicating aroma wafts through shopping malls and airports all over America, and at one time or another you've probably been a victim of that irresistible and gooey, doughy spiral of delight.
He came over this morning with his coffee and visited with me while I sipped tea and unloaded the dish washer, leaving with the muffins to waft under the nose of his adolescent daughter who loves to sleep in, especially on chilly fall mornings.
The method of cutting butter into dry ingredients, rolling out the dough, and getting flour all over every surface in my kitchen (myself included) is a process I've grown to love and I can't think of a better reward than that of the smell of fresh baked pie wafting through my house.
She hits the balloon up and over the ribbon, then scoots under to hit it from the other side, and so on until the balloon wafts to the ground.
This yummy Cinnamon Spice fragrance wafting through your home is perfect for any day... and the must - have air freshener at the holidays or when guests come over!
The fun is over, the big reveal has happened and now all that is left to do is to wait for the leaflets wafting in the wind to be swept away by the council.
Vinauger and colleagues wafted odors over Aedes aegypti mosquitoes during 10 rounds of 30 - second educational shaking in a small cage.
Unlike, say, dog poop that can be easily washed off a shoe, people have no way to avoid the smell wafting from a giant hog farm — and animal studies suggest that the impact of stressors, which can cause, for example, feelings of depression and anxiety, can be modulated by a sense of control over that stressor.
Over the years, Jaffe's Mount Bachelor Observatory has also monitored many other noxious pollutants wafting across the Pacific.
It paints an image of orange robed power - brokers doing business while incense wafts in the background, or of be-suited Buddha's on cell phones focusing on compassion over profits.
It's hard to hear the body over the tempting odor wafting out of a nearby Panda Express.
You know those tempting aromas wafting through the air, over the fences, and around the neighbourhood.
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