Sentences with phrase «wage increase occurred»

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This probably occurred because the big wage increases in 2010 - 11, which were counterbalanced by the sharp drop in real interest rates during that period, were finally able to take effect in 2012 when real interest rates rose sharply once again.
It's likely any wage increase would occur faster in New York City than the rest of the state, especially north of the metropolitan region.
We commend the 2011 analysis by Allegretto, Corcoran, and Mishel, which found a teacher wage penalty of 12 percent in 2010, up 10.5 percentage points from 1979 (most of the increase occurring between 1996 and 2001).
«Salary hikes, wage compression, and dramatic increases in the staff to student ratio have all undeniably occurred, but they have occurred in both unionized and nonunionized public school districts.»
The Act, if passed, will adjust minimum wage in accordance with Ontario's Consumer Price Index («CPI») and as a result, will tie all annual increases in minimum wage occurring after October 1, 2015 to the CPI.
For example, migrants increase competition for particular jobs, which can put downward pressure on wages; and the faster migration occurs, the less time an economy has to adjust in ways that do not involve downward wage pressures.
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