Sentences with phrase «wage price spiral»

But inflation is really caused by the wage price spiral that hasn't recurred since the late 1970s in Canada.

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meaning a wage - price deflationary spiral becomes a significant possibility — especially with an implacable austerity faction in control of one House of Congress.
The overwhelming power of business to raise prices at will means in a full employment situation where labor would otherwise be able to fairly bargain for a real wage increase, instead, things blow up (spiraling inflation, that 70s show).
-- As the size of big business is allowed to grow, due to lack of anti-trust enforcement, their ability to counter wage increases with arbitrary price increases, fueling an inflation spiral, grows unchecked.
To me, inflation is a money - price - wage spiral not a wage - price spiral as with the Phillips curve.
However, with the economy nearing full employment, easy money could set off a wage - price spiral reminiscent of 1970s double digit inflation.
In the past, this structure made it hard to avoid a wage / inflation spiral, where higher wages pushed up costs, which pushed up prices, which necessitated even higher wages, and so on.
Productivity dives and a wage - price spiral develops as companies raise prices to protect compressing margins.
Perhaps you've heard of the wage / price inflation spiral.
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