Sentences with phrase «wage system»

Look who among the young can help us, get rid of this stupid wage system.
Employer demands for a two - tier wage system is a fact of life in the present economy, condemning younger workers to a permanent low - wage existence.
Cuomo says the tipped wage system inhibits workers who earn tips from coming forward with concerns about exploitation and harassment, and it disproportionately affects women and people of color.
I just don't see any other striker other than Benzema who would be available and match our wage system and philosophy.
The club really needs to completely restructure their wage system because of this, and we're also having trouble offloading players, as clubs won't / can not match the wages.
The wage system does not need to be restructured.
Manchester City has installed a wage system with much more emphasis on bonus related contracts since 2014 and that has helped the club to reduce its wage bill from record # 216 million in 2013 - 14 season to # 198m in 2016 - 17 season.
On pay, they argue that bonus structures that incentivise high - earning, short - termist risk taking be replaced with a wage system that pours profits back into the business.
Paterson said the domestic workers» bill helped to rectify structural inequities built into the fair - wage system that dated back to the New Deal era, and closes gaps in the law that during the Depression were seen as necessary to earn votes from Southern legislators.
I voted a healthy mix of both, hopefully one day they'll expand the game and give us a wage system and our character a home (perhaps with a villager amiibo?)
I voted a healthy mix of both, hopefully one day they'll expand the game and give us a wage system and our character a home (perhaps with a villager amiibo?)
I don't bother reading half of it, especially when they involve all kinds of stories about the guy's complex re-engineering of the company's wage system, and where he takes his dog on the weekends.
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