Sentences with phrase «wage war»

Grow your district by building factories to increase resources and train soldiers and then wage war on neighboring factions for dominance.
Once you've harvested resources to build weapons and increased your strength and power, march forth into battle and wage war against your many enemies either alone, or together with other players.
There are neighboring races waiting to either trade or wage war with your civilization.
Then wage war in competitive multiplayer matches or single - player adventures.
When you get home from a long day at work, the last thing you want to do is wage war over broccoli at the dinner table.
The intent was that the president needed the permission of congress to enact military action, and that congress would need the president to act and actually wage war.
For the past 30 years, we've been told to wage the war on fat.
This compares with up to $ 30,000 or more per spouse to wage war in court.
(MCT)-- Winter weather has a way of waging war against the light - packing efforts of even the most seasoned traveler.
Preachers who use their pulpits who wage a war for civil rights should be defrocked.
The 138 had written: «As Muslims, we say to Christians that we are not against them and that Islam is not against them — so long as they do not wage war against Muslims on account of their religion, oppress them, and drive them out of their homes.»
This is undeniable even to the doctors who wage war on saturated fat.
Prince Charles has warned that criminal gangs are turning to animal poaching, an unprecedented slaughter of species that can only be stopped by waging war on the perpetrators, in the...
Everyone from casual Nintendo console owners to hardcore fighting fans has fond memories of waging war across Smash Bros. many levels.
A magic duel conjures up images of supremely powerful beings waging war using their minds in a beautiful but deadly display -LSB-...]
His friends - and yes, it appears he does have some - claim he has spent all his time in Government battling to stop the Treasury from waging a war on the poor.
This was so abhorrent to Suecoff that she was still waging war against Perullo a year after Perullo's resignation.
The story involves King hunting down some foreign spies who have entered Canada in order to take back materials that will help wage war against Great Britain.
Is it more urgent - with the Me Too and Time's Up movements currently waging a war on Hollywood - to portray women in that way?
At the end of World War II, the world's most powerful and developed countries stopped waging war with each other.
Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars, also known as Kingdom Wars, is a free to play MMORTS where players wage war with neighboring regions or complete countless hours of quests as you...
«Divorce: The Art of Screwing Up Your Children is a delightful tongue - in - cheek reprimand to parents who lose sight of their children's welfare while waging war with an ex.
In the Middle Ages, it was the Christians waging a war of oppression against others.
And since our God seems to be at war against «wicked people,» we feel it is our duty and responsibility to also wage war against people we think are «wicked.»
Combat between vessels is handled via the rolling dice, the traditional way of waging war since cavemen first fashioned bone dice and embedded them in clubs to do extra skull - crushing damage.
Since the agent of authority is but a sword in the hand, and is not responsible for the killing, it is in no way contrary to the commandment, «Thou shalt not kill» to wage war at God's bidding, or for the representatives of the State's authority to put criminals to death, according to law or the rule of rational justice.
In general, when our participants were asked to think from the perspective of an aggressor, 71 % of our participants indicated that they would rather have their country use remotely operated weapons systems instead of LAWS when waging war.
Propaganda by way of «fake news» is one way a nation can wage war without firing a single shot.
Living among the monsters of this age with whom I am now for the third year waging war, I am compelled occasionally to look up to you, Leo, most blessed father... Indeed, since you are occasionally regarded as the sole cause of my battles I can not help thinking of you... Your godless flatterers have compelled me to appeal from your See to a future council, despite the decrees of your predecessors Pius and Julius, who with a foolish tyranny forbade such an appeal.
@b4bigbang, For the record, they also spend more on waging war all over the planet and has been in this perpetuate state of war for over 50 years non-stop.
For this reason, great leaders wage war on their mind so it's open to the flow and keeps up with the creativity of the present opportunity on the line.
Dear Atheists, we ex-muslims are waiting for you guys to get over Christianity and start waging war against Islam for a change.
Lastly, this criterion implies that where there is not a reasonable chance of success, one can not wage war justly.
The story of the game follows the Furies: Four powerful women who are the only ones who can stop monsters called Titans from waging war around the planet.
As Jim Halpert, John Krasinski just waged a war against office tedium with pranks — lots and lots of pranks.
As a first step, they are now waging a war for the introduction of «scientific creationism» as an «alternative» to scientific theory.
Klopp waged war trying to bag Virgil Van Dijk earlier in the season and no one would suggest the Liverpool defence is other than fragile.
McDormand plays Mildred Hayes, a bereaved mother waging war on the small - town police department that's failed to solve her daughter's...
Paul Kennedy masterfully covers the importance of medium term economic power, not immediate military capabilities, in waging war successfully.
President Trump is considering creating a new branch of the US military — a «Space Force» that would wage war beyond the confines of Earth.
An Expedition of Kayakers Take On The Sacred Monkey River; Hell fighters Wage War against Oil Rig Fires Around The World; The Grueling Idita in the Alaskan Outback.
There's not that much of a distinction... Jewish Neocons and Christian Neocons (ie the 15 % German Ethnic majority in this country and all of the other White people who are following them hook line and sinker) are on the same team and have waged a war TOGETHER against the Arabs.
The idiotic and extremely destructive aspect of Christianity is that we tried to prove the other guy wrong and even waged war over such opinions.
The whole apparatus of the state arose to enable princes to wage war more effectively.
This is the test for your interpretation: are you an ungodly monster waging war under a vandalized cross or a humble penitent living in faith, dependent on the love of God?
Video game marketing departments in this hemisphere regularly wage war on their hated enemy, the English language.
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