Sentences with phrase «waggle dance»

Bees communicate via the so - called waggle dance, where the dancer wiggles its body while moving in a figure of eight.
When the team watched videos of the bees filmed the following day, they found that the sleep - deprived bees performed less precise waggle dances.
To find out whether a good night's sleep is important for the bees» communicative waggle dance, Barrett Klein at the University of Texas in Austin and his colleagues kept half of a group of 50 bees awake overnight.
Mattila explores the grim effects of loss of genetic variety in the glass - walled bee colonies she keeps in her lab, where video cameras capture it all — bees building honeycombs, producing honey, rearing offspring, doing waggle dances.
He found that the vibrations made the incoming forager bees perform significantly shorter waggle dances (lasting on average 29.8 seconds, compared with 73.4 seconds when there were no vibrations).
When a scout, which is always female in bees, finds food, she flies back to the colony, reports to her compatriots with the famous waggle dance, then flies off again, ignoring her new discovery to look somewhere else.
Interestingly, all stop signals elicited by nest attack were received by foragers, some of which were waggle dancing inside the nest.
In A. mellifera, the stop signal is thus best understood as an inhibitory signal that reduces waggle dancing.
Large and small hornet attacks upon foragers (Fig 3) significantly decreased colony waggle dancing by the same degree.
The waggle dance communicates the direction, distance and desirability of a distant object.
One astonishing discovery is that the waggle dance tells the direction to the food source in relation to the position of the sun (AT 179).
Lindauer has studied the waggle dances involved in swarming, in which the colony establishes itself in a new cavity.
But the scientists believe that further research is necessary to determine the pesticide's influence on motor function, waggle dance or orientation.
German yellowjacket wasps alert each other to food by drumming their abdomens against the nest wall, in a wasp equivalent of the famous honeybee «waggle dance»
Honeybee «waggle dances» could help conservationists judge whether wildlife restoration efforts are working
Their waggle dance, for example, is an elaborate way of telling each other the direction towards the best nectar sources, in relation to the Sun.
It may be time to rename the «waggle dance» the Electric Slide.
Every morning, the bees set off on their daily foraging trips and return to the nest to perform a waggle dance.
One of the honey bees» forms of communication is the «waggle dance
A round dance indicates that food is close by; a waggle dance means it is distant.
Caroline Williams casts doubt on the received wisdom that the bees» waggle dance is about communicating the direction and distance...
When the attacked bees returned to their hives, they made stop signals that increased in pitch according to the size of the predator (as the bee with the red dot is doing in the video above), inhibiting other bees» waggle dances (which tell bees where to forage), the scientists report online today in PLOS Biology.
When honeybees find a good source of nectar, they perform a «waggle dance» at the hive.
But one behavior did seem to track with the hunger level of the clients: Cleaner fish performed their waggling dance at the side of the client more often when the client was hungry.
When they return to the hive, they headbutt hive mates performing the famous «waggle dance» that directs would - be foragers to rich sources of nectar.
It has long been known that honeybees can differentiate sugar content among nectar sources and convey such information to the colony (e.g. the «waggle dance»).
We first examined bees waggle dancing for natural food sources that received stop signals elicited by unknown natural causes (SS naturally elicited): 42 % of these waggle dances ended with a stop signal in the last two deciles of the dance (significantly different from a uniform distribution, χ92 = 33, p = 0.0001).
In Carlos Schwartz's The Dance 2, for example, the Spanish artist utilizes the honeybee «waggle dance,» a series of movements intended to inform other bees of the location of nearby food sources, to create two drawings based on the dance's two variations.
But if the hive bees are needing more nectar, a bee that has succeeded in finding a good source of nectar will perform a lively «waggle dance» to get others to follow to their treasure trove.
It appears that dream can come true, as researchers at the LASI Bee Research & Outreach center have proven that learning the language of the honeybee's waggle dance can serve as a useful research tool.
Bees communicate in which direction they have found rich sources of pollen to their comrades in the angles of the waggle dance.
When Nakrani defended his dissertation on an algorithm in which the servers do their own «waggle dance» to communicate that they are involved in a profitable client, he was surprised that instead of questions about his methods and conclusions, he faced the panels» question, «Have you patented this?»
Maybe now the bees can help save themselves — if only enough people can listen in as they waggle dance!
German yellowjacket wasps alert each other to food by drumming their abdomens against the nest wall, in a wasp equivalent of the famous honeybee «waggle dance»
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