Sentences with phrase «waggle games»

The era of decline (Wii era) has been very bad for gaming altogether, though, even aside from that, Sega has no excuse pumping up bad waggle games.
OK, maybe not every waggle game matches the quality of DKCR, but is this one fix enough to get people to buy it?
I'm a pro waggle gamer overall but there are some that I just want to play normally.

Not exact matches

Glory day for Babe Ruth comes in third game of 1932 World Series after the Babe, two strikes down to Cub Pitcher Charlie Root, waggled a magisterial finger to demand one more pitch — and lashed it over the center - field barrier.
Despite quarterback youth, the Tide needed only a couple of games to hit full - speed, and as Orgeron so seductively put it this week, Kiffin has kept Hurts in advantageous situations with «nakeds, waggles and boots.»
The only thing really holding DKCR back was the gimmicky waggle controls, which are not present in this game so it had every chance to turn out an even better game.
Whether playing alone or with a group of your closest friends, fans of the Wii's waggle controls and penchant for casual play will find it one of the better games made available on the super successful system.
Now, PS3 owners are getting a chance to see what the game is all about complete with waggle support in the form of Sony's Move controller.
Every game had waggle controls for things that maybe didn't really need waggle controls.
The second irritation comes in the form of attacks that can stun you, something which the majority of fighting games abandoned a long time ago as being left reeling during a battle as you frantically waggle the stick to regain control can be frustrating for the player, especially if it happens to be from a ranged attack like it often is in Killer is Dead.
It's even better news for all us adult Wii gamers because it proves that gamer oriented games can sell on the white box of waggle even if they don't have any waggle at all.
The game, already announced for the PS3 and 360, will feature basically all the same features but with waggle included and will be hitting shelves this fall.
No waggle or any kind of motion control is necessary, as the game is purely focused on how well you can keep a beat using the A and B buttons or a combination of the two.
That way you don't alienate gamers that aren't up for the waggling =) My biggest let down with Skyward Sword was not the controls but the graphics.
If you like waggling in your games, fine.
That might be easier to play but this game is so huge I'd prefer it on my big screen to be honest as for waggles in platformers..
It really feels like a competition rather than a game of chance (although there were times when we cursed an unlucky roll of the die, for sure), so the rivalry between players feels very real, unlike most waggle - heavy or chance - based party games.
Now, waggle rolling could end up being the same as it was in the SNES games: optional, but there if you need it.
Any game that uses waggle for waggle's sake is abusing motion control.
I enjoy the waggle in a number of games.
Years later I'd hear people say that the Wii was nothing more than a waggle - box built for kids, despite the unheard of amount of money rolling in for Nintendo as a company and the placing of it way in front of either Microsoft or Sony as number 1 in the video game industry, something that hadn't happened in a long time.
Because the waggle would disrupt the 3D for people who like to play the games in 3D.
In fact in any motion based Wii game, the only times I accidentally waggle when, for example, scratching my nose, is when..
With Sony's Motion Controller (which may or may not be called Arc) due to release at the same time as this unannounced project, could this new title be a game where you waggle about like a lunatic in front of your TV?
You usually won't have reason to blame the game for lost lives, even if you're forced to use some waggle controls here and there.
This new and improved edition of the original game will contain all of the original content whilst playing around with the carry - on, dual - screen, stylus - waggling functionality that we've come to know and love from the DS.
A lot of Wii games feel they could easily just use a normal controller as the motion control is limited to waggle.
And how a waggle port of an old GC game overshadow any game?
The game is one of the better examples of motion controls (because it showcases pointer controls rather than just waggle) but it pissed me off because it was too damn easy, and the atmosphere suffered.
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games takes a somewhat simplistic approach in regards to the control as it seems to harken back to the early days of the Wii when there was no Wii Remote Plus and developers of similar natured games believed that players would have LOTS of fun waggling their controller about in crazy ways.
The Switch, and ARMS, is from the same house that more or less invented motion control, and though memories of the Wii and dreadful waggle - infused third - party games may still lurk in the sharing consciousness of the gaming world, this doesn't fall into the same traps.
Not a lot of games use the waggle well, but Super Mario Galaxy for example uses it perfectly.
Or, you know, you could just sit there and waggle the Fit Meter around to fool the game into thinking that you're running like you did before.
Then there are games like Zelda: Twilight Princess and Okami that make you wish you could use a Game Cube control rather than choking down the «Waggle» function.
Game design students may not agree with waggling a controller around, but it opens new realms of design and may even bring them millions of dollars in sales.
You can utilize it one section at a time to earn a boost in the stick - waggling submission mini game (offense or defense) or engage in a «rush» mode by pulling both triggers simultaneously.
A Wii - mote / nunchuk combo will get you through the game, but waggling the remote isn't an elegant way to aim a sniper rifle.
Oh, and your Wii Remote isn't enough for most games anyway — you'll need a nunchuck attachment for most decent less - waggle focussed titles.
The only thing really holding DKCR back was the gimmicky waggle controls, which are not present in this game so it had every chance to turn out an even better game.
I ding the Wii as a gimmick because so little really used the motion control scheme effectively, and top flight games often kind of dropped it or relegated it to the odd waggle or a side role.
The video portrays domestic abuse and details how you can make choices in the game (while waggling a controller) to stop a violent father beating the shit out of his daughter.
Solid gameplay, charming voice work and smart use of «waggle» make the game enjoyable, but lack of Vsync and certain other niggles hold it back from becoming truly great.
The controls in the game are very tight; no longer can you waggle your way through fights.
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