Sentences with phrase «waggle when»

In fact in any motion based Wii game, the only times I accidentally waggle when, for example, scratching my nose, is when..
In NSMBWii, you waggle when you have a Propeller Suit so you can fly.

Not exact matches

When you kept refilling my glass, I asked if you were trying to take advantage of me and you waggled your eyebrows at me: «absolutely.»
When the team watched videos of the bees filmed the following day, they found that the sleep - deprived bees performed less precise waggle dances.
The finger waggle to create the vibrato sound only works when your finger moves fast enough, for example.
When Jacob begins working with the Waggle platform, he and his team will be working to understand the data, but he can envision a future where the types of sensor networks Waggle allows can be used to predict urban heat waves, flooding and other weather hazards.
When a male frigate bird wants to get a date, it throngs with other males, inflates the patch of red skin on its throat (called the gular sac) and then waggles it from side to side while calling whenever a likely female flies by.
When the attacked bees returned to their hives, they made stop signals that increased in pitch according to the size of the predator (as the bee with the red dot is doing in the video above), inhibiting other bees» waggle dances (which tell bees where to forage), the scientists report online today in PLOS Biology.
He found that the vibrations made the incoming forager bees perform significantly shorter waggle dances (lasting on average 29.8 seconds, compared with 73.4 seconds when there were no vibrations).
When a scout, which is always female in bees, finds food, she flies back to the colony, reports to her compatriots with the famous waggle dance, then flies off again, ignoring her new discovery to look somewhere else.
When they return to the hive, they headbutt hive mates performing the famous «waggle dance» that directs would - be foragers to rich sources of nectar.
When you think of the mainstream phenomenon that was the Nintendo Wii, people tend to remember bowling at Christmas, tennis playing grannies, and more waggling than you can shake a nunchuck at.
He's obviously not overthinking anything, especially when told by his director to waggle his fingers from time to time in a simulacrum of a tizzy.
When I got aggressive with the controls, the car waggled a bit then brought itself back in line.
The difference is nearly imperceptible until you notice that the roadster is just a bit more eager to waggle its rump when chucked into a corner and better maintains traction should you decide to push that waggle into a proper slide.
That MQB foundation brings a host of clever - clogs equipment: cameras to check behind you and to the side when ignoring the Highway Code and reversing out onto a main road; a bird's - eye view panoramic camera; foot - waggle - to - open electric tailgates for mums in a rush; and wireless charging of suitably specced mobile phones.
Well, imagine if you could change this by having a furry companion that happily waggles its tail when it greets you at the door every morning.
He waggles his entire butt when he is happy and meeting a new person.
That's when the horse dies and we get to witness the slow beating of his quick time eventing, waggle controling, brown and blooming corpse.
What I don't like is shaking the controller when a button press would be just as good — the very definition of «waggle» — and that's what Retro is doing in DKC Returns.
It really feels like a competition rather than a game of chance (although there were times when we cursed an unlucky roll of the die, for sure), so the rivalry between players feels very real, unlike most waggle - heavy or chance - based party games.
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games takes a somewhat simplistic approach in regards to the control as it seems to harken back to the early days of the Wii when there was no Wii Remote Plus and developers of similar natured games believed that players would have LOTS of fun waggling their controller about in crazy ways.
An important side note, I read a handful of reviews from other sites, specifically Destructoid, so when Jim Sterling gave his impressions of Mario Kart 7, effectively waggling a disapproving finger and deciding it was underwhelming, my first and only reaction was overreaction, claiming, «Well he just doesn't like the series!
Motion controls have come a long way from the uncoordinated waggle days of the Wii, but ARMS is far more preferable when using a sideways Joy - Con or Pro Controller.
Waggle your tail end a little to shake them off, or when the meter is empty, everything becomes a hideous blur, making it impossible to steer or see where you're going.
It's one thing to have Winston Churchill waggle his jowls at you in 1941 and growl «never give in, never give in, never, never, never...» and quite another to get the message in ink on cardboard when the worst that will happen is that you'll be pinned yet again.
Whether When lawyers will be waggling their fingers in front of their monitors, I wouldn't like to predict.
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