Sentences with phrase «wake cycle shifts»

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This means the crawlers must shift their cycle of activity and inactivity — the spider equivalent of wake and sleep cycles — by about five hours each day to keep up with the normal solar cycle.
Our sleep - wake cycle, or circadian rhythm, is the result of a complex balance between states of alertness and sleepiness regulated by a part of the brain called Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SNC); in puberty, shifts in our body clocks push optimal sleep later into the evening, making it extremely difficult for most teenagers to fall asleep before 11.00 pm.
Of course, this will have to be considered on a case - by - case basis, since many people such as shift workers will have a different sleep / wake cycle and timings will need to be adapted to their body clocks.»
In the original study, Scott Campbell and Patricia Murphy of Cornell University Medical College in New York state reported that by shining light on the backs of the knees of human subjects, they could shift the so - called circadian clock that governs sleep - wake cycles (Science, 16 January 1998, p. 396).
Furthermore, disruption of the body's natural sleeping and waking cycle (circadian desynchrony) often experienced by shift workers and others who work outside daylight hours, also appears to have a clear association with poor metabolic health, accompanied by increased rates of chronic illness and early mortality.
Previous studies have found that older people tend to be active earlier while young adults shift to a later sleep - wake cycle during puberty.
The negative impacts of jet lag and shift work could be significantly reduced if it were possible to reset our 24 - hour natural circadian or sleep / wake cycle.
«These results will drive development of personalised approaches to improve sleep - wake cycles of shift workers and other vulnerable people, and could potentially reduce the increased risk of disease due to circadian disruption.»
Night time shift work disrupts the normal sleep - wake cycle and our internal circadian (24 - hour) rhythms, and has been associated with significant health problems, such as a higher risk of heart disease and cancer.
«Most teenagers undergo a biological shift to a later sleep - wake cycle, which can make early school start times particularly challenging.
«We know that night time shift workers are more likely to suffer health problems due to disruption of their circadian clock, and the mismatch between the timing of the clock and their sleep - wake cycle.
To examine how the sleep - wake cycle responds to the shift schedule, the timing of the brain clock was measured on the day schedule, and at the end of the night shifts.
In fact, workers whose sleep - wake cycles are disrupted by night shifts are more susceptible to chronic inflammatory diseases such as diabetes, obesity and cancer.
Whether it's a trip to the gym or a walk around the block with your dog, physical activity gets your blood flowing, fights fatigue, and can even help to shift your sleep / wake cycle, so it may feel easier to get up the following morning.
A disrupted circadian rhythm, or sleep / wake cycle, may influence cancer progression through shifts in hormones like melatonin, which your brain makes during sleep.
For people who don't sleep at traditional times because of travel or shift work, some simple strategies can help you to adjust your sleep / wake cycle earlier or later, as needed.
Night shift workers often have trouble falling asleep when they go to bed, and also have trouble staying awake at work because their natural circadian rhythm and sleep - wake cycle is disrupted.
But an increasing body of research has documented a shift in the biology of teenagers that delays their sleep and wake - up cycles by about two hours, pushing off their natural bedtime to 11 p.m. or later.
Delaying start times better aligns school schedules to the biological sleep rhythms of adolescents, whose sleep - wake cycles begin to shift up to two hours later at the start of puberty, according to the organization.
Shifts in the sleep - wake cycle at puberty mean that most adolescents get their best sleep between 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.
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