Sentences with phrase «wakefulness before»

I want to believe we're built for soaring in our thoughts, and out here on the edge, in California, at night, in that fading wakefulness before sleep erases sight, my mind projects that sketch of Leonardo's, and then, before I realize it, I'm flying in, flying to America, making landfall on this continent, not from over the Pacific, not from Singapore or Australia, Fiji or Hawaii on routes I've flown in real airplanes, but I dream I'm coming in across the other ocean, over the Atlantic, like Columbus.
Increase the interval of wakefulness before the nap by 10 minutes per day until nap length improves.

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In short, that lots of folks effectively psyche themselves out of feeling more well rested by worrying excessively about 20 minutes of tossing and turning before sleeping, or a perfectly normal level of nighttime wakefulness.
They call us out of sleep into wakefulness, out of darkness into enlightenment — eyes open, fists clenched and punching, poised on tiptoes like high - strung boxers bobbing and weaving before the hell.
Also completely relied on caffeine for wakefulness especially mid-afternoon where no matter how much coffee I drank or I slept the night before, I would crash sometimes dangerously so whilst driving.
Recordings using this system reveal that after a meal, flies sleep more for a short period before returning to a normal state of wakefulness.
As a result, you may feel like you fall asleep faster than you actually do because you don't remember the minutes of wakefulness that were not registered in your long - term memory before they were lost forever.
Hypocretin neurons, about which I have also written before, up - regulate wakefulness and the stress response.
Those first few moments of wakefulness, before your mind fully kicks into gear, are a better measure of how your body is feeling.
BBC News — The myth of the eight - hour sleep — Stephanie Hegarty — You might want to catch that hour long lecture during your two hour wakefulness period just after your first sleep and before your second sleep.
She usually needs to be startled into wakefulness several times before she moans and grudgingly rises to go to band practice.
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