Sentences with phrase «waketime after»

D&H, I would definitely have him have that waketime after those two feedings, but after he has been awake anywhere from 30 - 60 minutes (for a 4 week old, most will be about 45), put him down for a nap.
No waketime after the 10 PM feed.
Do I need waketime after her last feeding of the day or is it okay to reverse her bath and feeding so that she has a bath and then nurses right before I put her in bed?
I have a question about waketime after the last nap..
hello, my daughter is 4 weeks old and WILL NOT stay awake for waketimes after nursing.

Not exact matches

He also still has a very short waketime during the day, yawning after being awake only 30 to 35 min.
Should we give him a waketime and a nap after 7:30?
But if she just won't sleep longer than 1 30, then you will need a waketime of 2 hours to make it to 3.5 hours with a 30 minute wait time after waking up.
It's also hard to judge his optimal waketime because I feel like he is constantly tired from not getting good naps... sometimes I am putting him down 30 minutes after waking because he is already yawning and getting fussy!
My 4 month old is waking at midnight which is his normal waketime in Germany (7 am) and then goes back to bed if I nurse him until around 3:30 am and then back to sleep after nursing and then wakes again at 5 am.
So, my question is should I take him on the walk right after he eats as waketime even if he does take a cat nap?
He did really well after about the third day and started sleeping past his waketimes (when he was on the 3 - 3.5 hr schedule) and wouldn't take full feedings.
after her optimal waketime?
Also, in reading about your working with Kaitlyn on her waketimes, I was wondering if you meant that each week she mastered a waketime (week one, mastered the first morning waketime, week two the second, etc.) and that you kept adding one or if you just worked on one and then the next week worked on another, allowing her to sleep immediately after her feeding in the morning if necessary.
Yesterday when I put him down while he was awake (after about 50 minutes of waketime including feeding), he cried for about 10 minutes off and on then eventually fell asleep.
She takes about 45 mins to feed then we keep her up for about another 20 minutes after that - we have gradually been extending her waketime.
Another issue in having is he doesn't nap for every nap — at least not the 1.5 hours because he's not sleepy enough as he used to be after 1.5 hrs of waketime, so I feel he def needs to drop feedings.
I tried to put him to sleep after 1 hour of waketime (he does nt have good cues at all!)
I have a catnapper, so what's more important, trying to get that 2.5 - 3 hour feeding routine (and having waketime BEFORE feeding time) or feeding her right after she wakes up (which may mean 1.5 - 2 hours between feedings)?
I want to keep my feed times the same, but I know if he only sleeps 45 mins and I get him up, he'll have over an hour of play time before his bottle and that's way too much waketime (since he'll have to have play time after his bottle too).
Mom described his «good» waketimes as lasting 1.5 hours, but most days he is awake after feeding for only 50 minutes before he gets «really grumpy» and only settled by being held, sometimes not even that works so she puts him down for a nap.
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