Sentences with phrase «waking hours in»

And since kids spend nearly half their waking hours in school, reliable diabetes care during the school day really matters.
Many small business owners have invested most of their waking hours in making a business successful.
Your small animals will spend most of their waking hours in productive activities that exercise their bodies and stimulate their minds.
My day family, as I liked to call them, since I spent more waking hours in my fifth - grade classroom than I did with my own family.
School - age children and adolescents spend half of their waking hours in school.
Many children spend more of their waking hours in classrooms than they do at home; within these settings they are exposed to experiences that for better or worse, intended and unintended, shape their
The bottom line is this: during the week, kids spend as many of their waking hours in school as they do at home.
The heroine of Mike Leigh's wonderfully subtle and relentlessly harrowing new film is a cheerful, compactly built middle - aged woman who spends her waking hours in perpetual motion.
Caffeine Stimulation of Cortisol Secretion Across the Waking Hours in Relation to Caffeine Intake Levels (Lovallo et al., 2005) The Impact Of Coffee On Your Adrenal Glands (Nancy Desjardins, Nutritionist)
However, the truth is that many of us are exercising for one hour in the day while spending the rest of our waking hours in a chair in front of a desk and on the sofa in front of the TV.
The rest we get overnight impacts the energy of our waking hours in ways that are often underestimated.
However, a recent study published in the journal of Global Environmental Change, which used an iPhone app called Mappiness to track the location and corresponding emotional state of over 20,000 participants, found that we spend less than 5 percent of our waking hours in nature!
«In toddlerhood, the number of waking hours in a day is limited.
One thing I would encourage for your baby is more time on her stomach (we call it «tummy time»), since this is the most important position for her to be in during waking hours in order to strengthen her muscles that she needs for the development of important motor milestones such as rolling, independent sitting, crawling and later walking.
Babies spend one - fifth of their waking hours in focused gazing.
He ate from my body, slept nestled against me, spent a good number of his waking hours in my arms, followed me steadily with his dark eyes when he reclined in his bouncy seat across the room.
Go on all you want about how stay - at - home moms don't have to have bad wardrobes, but the truth of the matter is that no stay - at - home parent's wardrobe is going to improve once they start spending 80 - 95 % of their waking hours in the company of their children.
Plenty of evidence was forthcoming that Si √ ¥ n spent most of his waking hours in waders.
I spend the waking hours in the dark, bundled in blankets on the couch, working away at my laptop until the sun comes...
I know sometimes it's easy to fall head over heels for someone and become convinvcd that you have to spend every waking hour in contact with your new crush, but that kind of enthusiasm too early on is 100 % going to freak her out.
Our three grandchildren spent nearly every waking hour in the pool and hot tub.
Very, very, very few artists that I've met — and I've met thousands — spend every waking hour in the process of creating art.

Not exact matches

Sitting in a chair for most of their waking hours often translates into carrying around more weight than is good for a person, physiologically or esthetically speaking.
I lay in bed at night for two hours, an hour, and I wake up, and I'm hitting keys.
Even if you find yourself craving juice in the wee hours of the morning, you won't wake up the entire household in getting your fix.
We all wake up in the morning with the same exact number of hours, minutes, and seconds in a day.
We spend over eight hours a day, half our waking lives, immersing ourselves in media, whether that's watching TV, listening to the radio, or, increasingly, consuming web content.
As he puts it in the video above: «We spend more waking hours with our friends and family.
I even came across one fascinating report that suggests humans naturally sleep in two four - hour increments, separated by a one - or two - hour waking «break.»
I had woken up early on a Monday in a Seattle hotel room after 12 hours of fasting, and dressed with the nylon swimsuit under my clothes, as I'd been instructed.
One recent study showed that people who basked in bright sunlight within two hours after waking tended to be thinner and better able to manage their weight than people who didn't get any natural light, regardless of what they ate throughout the day.
I'm not going to be one of those people who tell you that in order to achieve those audacious goals of yours, you need to wake up ridiculously early, but I am suggesting that you start waking up at least two hours before you have to be anywhere.
A few hours later, after drifting into the sleepy, dazed state she was in for much of her hospital stay, she woke with a jolt and proclaimed she was the country singer the Zac Brown Band.
And just changing the hour you wake up may not change your inherent «morning - ness» or «evening - ness» In other words, getting up earlier will not automatically make you proactive.
In after - hours trading on Tuesday, Panera's shares rose about 4 %, while Buffalo's grew 5.3 %, as that stock continues to benefit from a jolt in the wake of interest from an activist investoIn after - hours trading on Tuesday, Panera's shares rose about 4 %, while Buffalo's grew 5.3 %, as that stock continues to benefit from a jolt in the wake of interest from an activist investoin the wake of interest from an activist investor.
Mark Cuban says he tries to get in an hour of cardio each day, and billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson wakes up at 5 a.m. every day to exercise.
«I wake up early and stay disconnected from the internet in the morning, for at least one hour on weekdays and two hours on weekends.
Most of us spend a majority of our waking hours at work, so it's only natural that we want to enjoy our time in the office as much as we can.
Now Woods is less McIlroy's hero and more his annoying friend who texts him at odd hours and wakes him up in the middle of the night.
In addition, the survey also showed that the average U.S. office worker thinks about work for 78 percent of their waking hours during a typical workday, versus 41 percent on a day off.
Clearly I am stating the obvious but waking up at 3:30 a.m on a daily basis gave me nearly three hours more in my day than usual.
It sounds simple, but considering the gadgets most people have in hand most of their waking hours, it's easy to thoughtlessly check out by scrolling social networks or wasting time online.
So much that he wakes up in the middle of the night, sneaks my computer into his room, and plays until the wee hours of the morning.
In 2003 — 04, researchers from Vanderbilt University strapped plastic devices called Actigraphs to the legs of 6,329 Americans ages six and up to measure how much of their waking hours they spent sitting, reclining or lying down.
«Given the time zone difference, I was able to wake up, spend a good 6 to 8 hours working, and then I was in Tokyo.
Most people wait a while after they wake up to start eating; for me, it's easier to hold off for a few hours in the morning than it is to go, say, from 3 or 4 p.m. until bedtime without eating.
After all, when I can't do everything I need to during my waking hours, at least my brain is trying to get something accomplished in the off - hours.
«When I wake up... I spend the first hour of my work not looking at email, and actually just writing out what it is that I want to accomplish in a given day, and then before I go through my emails, I'll do all my outgoing, outbound stuff, which is what I want everyone else to do for me.
An expatriate's job is not dissimilar to his stint in the armed forces: personal security detail teams can expect to wake up at 4 a.m., and within hours they'll be running clients to and from airports.
And so possibly — in the wake of a particularly unseemly hour — it is time to adjourn the House for the sake of not further degrading the public's feelings toward democratic governance.
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