Sentences with phrase «walk of faith»

We are looking for realistic walks of faith which build up the reader and lead them to truth.
Now if I say to a crowd, «Tonight I want to talk about the ways we fracture our lives and don't live consistent walks of faith,» Broca will step in and file that idea away because we've all heard that before.
Atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Pagans... people of all walks of faith or non-faith died in those attacks.
There may be a few exceptions, but most believers who avoid meeting with other believers will eventually weaken in their walk of faith and are susceptible to false doctrine.
Still, please don't think that all of us who stay in whatever church isolate ourselves from folks of all walks of faith and life.
Our walk on this earth is a walk of faith.
So for years, I assumed this was the walk of faith.
In my walk of faith in God through Jesus the Christ of God, I have to confess it shocked me when I pursued study due to Jesus saying «I AM» to the crowd in Gethsemane and they all fell back on the ground (John18.6).
There will be a people who no matter what the struggle or the trial... will continue in their walk of faith, trust, love and forgiveness.
All the supposed limitation scriptures are dealt with in a very contextual and proper way and in my mind opens wide the opportunities we should be giving women in their walk of faith.
I am looking to heal that inner abused spiteful child, even if it means expressing myself in ways I'd rather not and sitting with my conscious mind and having a heart to heart about how Jesus would never desire this pain to propel my walk of faith.
Being a Christian is difficult for all, but Brant, your walk of faith is powerful and inspiring, not because of Asperger's syndrome, but because of the simplicity of your reliance upon the Lord Jesus and His love for you.
My walk of faith began when I stopped using romantic relationships as crutches.
Are there people from all walks of faith?
In October 2015, Jenny released her book, Beneath His Wings, which follows her walk of faith in the marketplace, while offering guidance and inspiration.
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