Sentences with phrase «walk on tiptoes»

These stretches and exercises should be done for the entire time that your child walks on tiptoes.
Speed up, slow down, swing your arms, walk on tiptoe.
So after it rains, I'm literally walking on my tiptoes, eyes down to the ground, like I've had too many glasses of wine to avoid stepping on one.
And what do you do with a child who still walks on their tiptoes, but diagrams the digestive system perfectly.
Her secret pulled her away, down the narrow steps that creaked under weight, so she walked on tiptoe, one hand balancing against the wall.
Healthy cats can jump five - to - seven times their own height and can often be seen walking on their tiptoes to be both stealth and speedy.
If people seem to be walking on tiptoe when they are around you, you are probably acting defensive.

Not exact matches

He who stands on his tiptoes does not stand firm; he who stretches his legs does not walk (easily).
By his second birthday, he can kick a ball, stand on tiptoes, carry something in his hands while walking, and jump from a low step to the floor.
Drawn to the Past When Ben walked into the bar, I stood up, navigated my way toward him and gave him a big hug, standing on my tiptoes to reach his neck.
Try to stand on your tiptoes and walk for at least 20 seconds.
To perform the toe walking exercise all you must do is stand on your tiptoes and walk forward for 20 seconds.
Lift the knees off the floor and walk the feet in so you feel light on your tiptoes.
He walked up a steeper gradient using just the front spikes almost on tiptoe, taking long, steady strides.
At times you will be asked to precisely control Mario as he tiptoes on a giant ball across a world full of holes (in an obvious tip of the hat to the Monkeyball franchise), or walks a narrow tightrope path without falling off into a literal black hole of oblivion.
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