Sentences with phrase «walk your feet back»

Place your hands on the floor and then walk your feet back until your heels, hips and shoulders form a straight line.
Walk you feet back until you are at an inclined plank pose.
Jump or walk feet back into plank position (middle photo), keeping the body straight and engaging the abs; stay in this position for a count of 8.
Tuck your toes, extend your legs, and walk your feet back until your shoulders, hips, and ankles form a straight line.
Walk your feet back until your chest is parallel to the floor.
Jump or walk your feet back to your hands and jump up into the air.
Jump or walk your feet back so that you are in a tall plank position.
Walk your feet back until you can do several of these pushups.
For example, if you're midway through a set of rows and suddenly feel that you can't finish your reps with the angle you started at, simply walk your feet back a bit so that your body becomes more vertical.
Plant hands on the floor, then walk feet back into plank position and repeat.
Walk your feet back to your hands, and return to standing position, repeat.
Walk your feet back until your body forms a right angle, with the hips directly over the feet, arms straight.
Walk your feet back out, tuck your chin, and keep the elbows in as you bend and lower your body back onto the ground.
Without moving your shoulders, walk your feet back until your weight is supported on your hands and toes only, with your shoulders, hips, knees and ankles all forming a straight line (when viewed from the side).
First, walk your feet back under your knees.
Then walk your feet back until your shoulders are directly over the elbows and your torso is parallel to the floor.
If the breath isn't smooth in this pose, walk your feet back out.
Walk your feet back slightly until your spine is straight, and keep your hips lifted.
Walk feet back until your toes curl under to support torso in an elongated, lengthened posture.
Walk your feet back until your shoulders are directly over your elbows and your torso is parallel to the floor.

Not exact matches

With so much foot traffic, shoppers that tend to pick up things without putting them back can make the store look less appealing to whoever walks in next.
A long walk up the mountain from Assisi — my boot heel severed from my right foot Redwing, I smacked it back, using some broken pavement.
Can I just walk up to it and carry it to the track for disposal or should I just walk up to it and plant my block of C4 and 2 minute fuse against it without jarring it and then quietly back away to a safe distance after pulling the igniter from 40 feet away.
I'm sure it goes back to my childhood — my mom had a large strawberry patch, and as kids we would always walk out in our bare feet, to pick (and immediately eat) the sweet, fresh berries.
Then, bowl in hand, I opened the back door and walked straight into a four foot spider web.
He stumbled quite a bit getting back to his feet and walking to his corner.
«I'm both pleased and also not very happy with some parts of it,» said Woods, who noted that his back was fine but that his feet and knees were aching after walking 36 holes.
Clement was on one good foot, a freshman QB in his first start on the road against a top 10 team, a kicker who had never attempted a field goal before, starting a walk - on on the offensive line who also happens to back up every position, as well as the world.
There was a separated area for kids to swim in, which was just 1.5 feet deep, so our toddler was able to walk back and forth in the pool.
Doing something physical, especially walking / running with the back and forth motion of the feet can be very calming for anyone.
AND, when she's had stories and songs with Daddy, scratches and foot rubs and being rocked like a baby with me, and then she asks for water, and then she asks to go to the bathroom and we have to sneak into the adjoining master bedroom where the baby is sleeping to use the bathroom or walk all the way downstairs to do so, and then we get back to her bed and she wants more hugs and kisses, and then she says she has a boo - boo that needs a band - aid... eventually there has to be a stopping point, right?
Show your child how to hold hands during a walk or how to give a back rub or foot massage.
Teach positive physical touches Show your child how to hold hands during a walk or how to give a back rub or foot massage.
One morning, as if we are setting out for a stroll through the English countryside, she takes me on a walk across the mound to the massive wedge - shaped hole she and a generation of archaeologists and local workers have carefully made, its back wall soaring more than 30 feet.
Today when Herr walks, a motor in the back of each foot gradually feeds energy into a combination of springs inside the foot.
But you could say it reverses front and back: Imagine walking straight forward into your reflection, matching head to head, feet to feet, hands to hands, and heart to heart.
When you're taking a walk around the block, your body is mostly on autopilot — you don't have to consciously think about alternating which leg you step with or which muscles it takes to lift a foot and put it back down.
The researchers were able to see signs of watery adaptation not seen in other dinosaurs: a small nostril located far back on the head, apparently to limit water intake; relatively long forelimbs; big flat feet suitable for paddling as well as walking on muddy ground; and very dense limb bones, which would have allowed Spinosaurus to submerge itself rather than float at the surface.
Timed Up and Go, which measures the time it takes to stand up from a seated position, walk 10 feet, turn around, walk back and sit down again.
Walk your hands back to meet your feet, keeping them hip - width apart.
Move back up, walking your hands back to your feet.
Ankle - to - Knee Pose (Right Side): From cow face pose, walk your hands back and slide the feet apart.
Grab both TRX handles and lean back as you walk your feet forward.
Walk feet forward, rolling down until lower back is on ball, shoulders lifted, arms extended, palms up.
I was in excruciating pain, could barely walk, and almost had back surgery (being 6 - foot - 7 and scrunched into airline seats didn't help).
For more of an opening, bring the tops of your feet to the ground, and walk your hands back along your calves, keeping your hips reaching forward.
Walk your hands back to your feet and stand up tall.
Trying to ignore the pain can lead to changes in how you walk, which may cause knee and heel pain, along with foot, knee, hip and back problems.
Walk your hands back to your feet, coming up to stand tall again.
Keeping feet facing forward while standing and walking, shoulders back, and head lifting from the crown (as if being pulled to the sky by a string) are the basics of good posture.
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