Sentences with phrase «wall and ceiling coverage»

Natural light increases as the days get longer, so the accuracy of wall and ceiling coverage is at its peak.

Not exact matches

These policies are sometimes referred to as H06 policies because they use the standardized H06 Unit - Owners Form, which provides coverage of your personal property, walls, floors and ceilings against all listed perils.
Other master policies might provide coverage for your unit's original construction and fixtures, while others might cover only bare walls, ceilings and floors, according to the III.
For example, if your home is subject to an earthquake and sustains cracks in the walls, ceiling, foundation or other damages, those would be covered under the dwelling portion of the coverage.
Condo insurance provides coverage for damages that occur within your unit, including interior walls, flooring and ceilings, as well as for your personal property.
Some condo associations offer «all - in» master policies that will include coverage for interior walls, floors and ceilings of units
If someone leaves a candle burning in your Stockton condominium and it causes damage to the walls or ceiling, having this sort of coverage means that the renters insurance company would pay for the damages, so the money wouldn't have to come from your own pocket.
Your condo association's master insurance policy provides coverage for the structure of your building, but you will be responsible covering everything within your unit, including interior walls, ceilings and floors.
These policies are sometimes referred to as H06 policies because they use the standardized H06 Unit - Owners Form, which provides coverage of your personal property, walls, floors and ceilings against all listed perils.
Your condo association should have a master insurance policy that provides coverage for the structure of your building, but you will be responsible covering everything within your unit, including interior walls, ceilings and floors.
Most consumers» complaints dealt with items of a common element status, thus beyond the scope of the Warranty Program's coverage of «Private» homeowner items, being items «within'the owner's «points of demarcation» private ownership areas, to wit: inner painted surfaces of the unit's walls and ceilings, items on the upper side of the floor coverings, items on the inner sides of the windows, all by the way depending upon a particular condo projects» «points of demarcation», which could vary amongst condo projects.
«For flat walls and ceilings I almost always use an 18 - inch roller because the coverage is so much more even and you're done in a third of the time.»
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