Sentences with phrase «wall at your elbows»

Slowly and smoothly raise your arms up on the wall, maintaining contact with the wall at your elbows, back of your shoulders AND your lower back.

Not exact matches

Set the inner core upright in a freezer (one that chills at 0 - degrees Fahrenheit) for six to 18 hours, then slip it into its outer sleeve, pour in chilled liquids (sweet coffee, chocolate milk, juice) and add elbow grease plus Zoku's plastic spoon to scrape down the cup's walls.
Bend your arms at the elbows to lower your body toward the wall until your head touches the wall.
Stand with your back against the wall and bring your arms at shoulder height while bending the elbows about 90 degrees.
When performing the Plank Elbow Rotation make sure that at least one part of your elbow is touching the floor or wall at all tElbow Rotation make sure that at least one part of your elbow is touching the floor or wall at all telbow is touching the floor or wall at all times.
Stand along the wall on your side -LCB- say right side -RCB- while bending your elbow to right angles -LCB- i.e. at 90 degrees -RCB- in such a way that the outer part of your forearm is against the wall.
Oh, and our master bath at our last house was like that — you could touch both shower walls with your elbows at the same time.
Get on the throttle hard at the exit of a corner and one of three things will happen: Sometimes you'll feel the tyres dig deep into the positive camber of the road, wall of death - style, and slingshot you out like the car has just hooked an elbow round a lamp post on the inside of the corner.
At Turneffe, the Elbow is a magnificent wall that sees a number of fish spawning aggregations.
Five women dressed in pastel spring dresses and slingbacks trudge through mounting piles of slippery material as they dig their hands, elbows and feet into a 7,500 - pound clay cube, carve out a piece and hurl it at a wall.
Once we got to the top, (and again, at this point nothing is anchored to the floor or wall, but the sheer weight and tightness of it all kept it so sturdy), we used 3 x 14» pipes threaded into the top three elbows, (seen in the picture below without the pipes), and then threaded the other end of the 14» pipes into the flanges.
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