Sentences with phrase «wall muscles do»

Part of the small intestine and / or other abdominal organs, covered by a thin transparent membrane, protrudes outside the abdomen at the umbilical cord because the abdominal wall muscles don't close properly.

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If thats normal, she may do an echocardiogram, or ultrasound test of the hearts muscle walls.
I've been experiencing weak muscles in legs and arms and lightheadness (don't know if this is due to hitting the wall in exercise) and how long does it take to fully replenish / recover?
Doctors don't expect patients to be able to tell the difference between a heart attack and a pulled chest muscle, she says, but a good rule of thumb is that if you can press on the wall of the chest and it feels even more painful, it's more likely to be a musculoskeletal injury than a problem with your ticker.
Bladder wall flares react well to heat as do muscle flares.
Calcium channel blockers like Procardia, Adalat, Plendil, and Cardene widen and relax the blood vessels by affecting the muscle cells found in the arterial walls, which is exactly what magnesium does — splendidly, we might add.
Doing this pose with your back against a wall gives you a chance to feel the shape without much of the challenge of balancing, allowing you to work on the proper alignment and the muscle actions in the legs, hips, back, and shoulders.
It does an excellent job of widening the blood vessels by relaxing muscle cells in the vessel walls to regulate blood pressure.
To stretch the big gastrocnemius muscle the back leg must be kept straight and is done either leaning against a wall or if flexibility is good on a step.
«If you do it once, it feels like the wall ball would be all leg, and the burpee all arms, but both actually work all shoulder muscles, too, for a total - body effect.»
Performing throws against a wall or overhead, or slams into the floor, before you do any heavy pressing can help your brain «turn on» more muscle fibers for the effort.
Actually, the more you choose to do this calf stretch while leaning against the wall the weaker those tendons and muscles will become resulting in increased injury rates.
«Studies have actually shown that an athlete's mind doesn't view training as «work» while music is playing.2, 3 Music can also alter your mindset, and with the right song it can greatly help fire you up, get your adrenaline and even anger flowing, and allow you to break through those walls of nerves and lethargy that can stand between you and new muscle
While we don't have a lot of walls, we have several hutches for display — this has been a new way to flex my decorating muscles.
If the nerves to the colon do not function normally, the muscles of the colonic wall will not contract properly.
It has been a decade since that hike but I remember you more often than I do the parched air, the burn in my muscles, the excitement of reaching the top, the towering red sandstone walls of the canyon itself.
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