Sentences with phrase «wall of the small intestine»

The inner wall of the small intestine is lined with epithelial tissue covered in wrinkles and folds from which villi — microscopic fingerlike pieces of tissue — project, increasing the surface area for absorption.
At the end of a meal, specialized endocrine cells in the wall of the small intestine release other hormones (like cholecystokinin, glucagon - like peptide - 1, and oxyntomodulin) that signal satiation.
In one type of refractory celiac disease, called RCDII, immature white blood cells from the immune system (called lymphocytes) which are located in the wall of the small intestine, multiply in number in an uncontrolled manner.
It bounced around the Middle East, picking up a key gene called tcpA, which encodes a hairlike structure on its surface that clings to the wall of the small intestine.
Ampullary cancer is a malignant tumor located in the pancreas, near where it meets the wall of the small intestine.
«Zonulin causes junctions to open up between these cells so that the wall of the small intestine becomes «leaky».
Diverticuli, which are tiny pouches that can form in the wall of the small intestine, can also collect bacteria instead of passing it on to the colon, where it belongs.
Digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas break food into molecules small enough that they pass through the walls of the small intestine and into the bloodstream.
About 20 % of the absorption of alcohol takes place by passive diffusion through the stomach wall with the rest absorbed through the duodenum and the walls of the small intestine [Norberg A, 2003].
There, protein, fats, and usable carbs are broken down further, and the nutrients are absorbed through the wall of your small intestine and into your bloodstream.
Leaky gut, or intestinal permeability, is a condition in which the walls of the small intestine become inflamed, damaged, and porous, allowing undigested foods, bacteria, yeast, and other pathogens into the bloodstream.
It is these hyphae that are know to penetrate the walls of the small intestine and are known to contribute to an increase in intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome).
It is my hypothesis that real foods have an inherent quality to them that allows the body to regulate it's immune function, build healthy red blood cells full of oxygen, restore proper balance to the flora of the intestinal microbiome, regenerating tight junctions to the wall of the small intestine.
Otherwise, toxins that are released into the gut via the bile from the liver or simply through the walls of the small intestine will be reabsorbed in the small intestine and recycled through the liver.
The villi are small finger like projections present in the wall of the small intestine.
The walls of the small intestine are baloney pink and lush with millimeter - long projections called villi.
Hookworms Hookworms are small, thin worms fasten to the wall of the small intestine and suck blood sometimes resulting in severe blood loss.
The tapeworm uses its hook - like mouthparts to attach to the wall of the small intestine.
The newly hatched larva migrate to the lungs, the pup coughs up and swallows the worms, and they end up attached to the walls of the small intestine where they shed eggs into the dog's feces, completing the life cycle.
The head of the tapeworm, called the scolex or holdfast, is equipped with hooks and suckers that are used to anchor itself to the wall of the small intestine.
They use their hook - like mouthparts to attach to the wall of the small intestine.
They have a hook - like mouth that attaches to the walls of the small intestines and they feed on blood.
Hookworms are small, thin worms that attach to the wall of the small intestine and suck blood.
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