Sentences with phrase «wall panels before»

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But it wasn't long before restless Oiticica moved these panels away from the wall, washed them in color, grouped them upright on the floor or suspended them from the ceiling.
A few examples of top - quality English painting on walls or panel from before 1500 have survived, including the Westminster Retable, The Wilton Diptych and some survivals from paintings in Westminster Abbey and the Palace of Westminster.
Ms. Kominsky - Crumb's self - excavation «Dream House,» all 33 original pages of which are pushpinned to the gallery's blindingly frigid - white walls, includes a panel in which the young Aline remarks that the modernist hard edges of her parents» aspirational new house make her feel «lonely and sorta scared,» while «Aline & Bob: In Troubles With Money,» recently published in Harper's Magazine, begins with an email from the gallery about a multimillion - dollar sale before plunging into a densely particular account of the couple's inability to manage or enjoy such a windfall.
It's been said before that the panel interview can be the most intimidating, what with the wall of unfamiliar faces on one side and you alone on the other.
Trial testimony showed that the seller had removed old plasterboard and put up wood paneling over the basement walls four days before putting the house on the market in September 1993.
Before I read that you painted the paneled walls, I was so hoping that that's what you did... I love that look!
Hold fabric panel up to wall for a «dry fit» to see if any adjustments need to be made before hanging as it's difficult to trim panels once they are hung.
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