Sentences with phrase «walls of the church»

While feeding the hungry is not bad, it is not best done inside the four walls of a church building.
When you think about a missionary, often the images that comes to mind are those «superstar» Christians who have their pictures on the back walls of our churches, who get on planes and wear cargo - pants — coming back once a year to offer slide - show presentations.
Footage from AFP shows the bullet - ridden walls of the church with destroyed icons and other parts of the building scattered on the floor.
One all - glass wall of the church faces out on a parking lot, where worshipers in nearly 1,000 cars can see the preacher virtually as well as the 1,700 people inside.
When he affixed the work to the exterior wall of a church in Stommeln, Germany in 2008, Cattelan was merely taking advantage of a site that would heighten the work's arresting visual impact, ensuring that it would be seen, discussed and debated.
When you think about a missionary, often the images that comes to mind are those «superstar» Christians who have their pictures on the back walls of our churches, who get...
The collage got its start 37 years ago when Revered Roland Gordon put up a picture of Muhammad Ali, and it has climbed the walls of the church since.
Behind the female mainstream sensation, however, lies a difficult journey from artistic confinement to eventual freedom that began, perhaps not so surprisingly, within the walls of the church.
Father Michele Madonna's requested permission from local police to fix the # 40 device on the wall of the church.
We can then help liberate them from that fear, and invite them to join with us in following Jesus outside of the four walls of the church.
But if I am completely honest, it is easy for me to settle in the comfort of my bubble or my routine and not think about those outside the walls of the church.
Not even beyond the walls of the church, for it is inclusive of the church.
This has become a war inside the walls of the Church which should be protecting us.
I call myself a graffiti artist on the walls of the church.
The concern of much preaching does not seem to extend beyond the walls of the church, or the preoccupations of institution.
The exemptions to faith groups are very tightly drawn such that they relate only to doctrinal and sacramental matters within the walls of the Church.
Now his sights are set beyond the walls of the church and The Rob Bell Show (yes, really) could be on a screen near you soon.
I am not about to equate visiting a church building with idol worship, but I do think it is important to recognize that people can worship and follow God just as well outside of the four walls of a church building than they can inside the walls — and maybe even better.
But I press on now with hope in spite of it... a hope that was constantly quenched within the walls of the church.
From that moment on I've viewed ministry differently — it isn't just something to be done within the walls of a church... in fact it's not suppose to be... Jesus» command was to GO and make disciples of all nations... not STAY and make disciples.
It's curious how unrighteous we can be out there, but once we get within the walls of a church, we become something we are certainly not: righteous.
The walls of the church were covered with the strikingly clear and sparse iconography of Archbishop Gregory.
People don't want to hear that their pastor isn't what he seems and tells people to leave and isn't interested in ministry outside of the walls of the church or those who can not financially support it.
Recent studies in several cities suggest a decline in people's perception of the clergy's willingness to offer leadership beyond the walls of the church.
Look at any church calendar, and you will see that most of the weekly and monthly activities that are done inside the four walls of the church building, could also be done out in the community, and probably with greater impact.
He was challenging my decision to follow Jesus outside the four walls of the church building, and had the usual objections:
Unfortunately the vast majority of us hypocritical Christian leaders would rather be comfortable, safe, and arrogant within the walls of our church buildings rather than be like Jesus.
We need churches that are instead the very ground of community, that define and build and embody a kind of common life that can move beyond the walls of the church and demonstrate common living in the wider society.
All around the world, people are beginning to see that it is possible (and maybe even easier) to follow Jesus outside the four walls of the church.
All around the world, people are beginning to see that it is possible (and maybe even easier) to follow Jesus outside the four walls of the church and do so in a way that takes His love to the neediest people in our towns and cities.
This book is a good reminder to all of us who are seeking to follow Jesus outside the four walls of a church building that church has not always consisted of big buildings, paid clergy, and endless programs.
Jutting from the ground to form three sides were irregular rows of rough posts serving as the walls of the church.
@ David: Am I mistaken, but did you just change the words next to your picture from: «graffiti artist on the walls of the church» to «illustrating spiritual paths»?
About icons, it fits in with the earlier discussion about beauty — in secular society at the time homes and public buildings were painted with frescos, and it seemed natural for Christians to paint bible scenes on the walls of their churches, and in the catacombs, of course.
So many folks in seminary are highly isolated from anyone outside the four walls of the church (and even the church itself) that they enter the world still having to learn that their role is to serve the people doing the hard work of sharing faith daily in life.
Many authors 2 have written of the compartmentalization of life today and the danger when religion is confined within the four walls of the church.
i have a question about: graffiti artist on the walls of the church.
Group coherence came from the fear of the Catholic or secularist menaces, and when the leadership turned ecumenical and open to God's activity beyond the walls of the churches, they sapped themselves of certain energies.
I just started by helping people and preaching the gospel to those outside the four walls of the church; in fact, I still do that.
Take your religious beliefs and keep them inside the walls of your church or home and leave the rest of the sane world alone.
But even if we do this and reach outside the four walls of the Church, a problem remains.
John Buckeridge reports on the trend to serve Christ outside the walls of the church building More
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