Sentences with word «wamer»

I add a tealight wamer underneath a HUGE ceramic serving bowl so that the ceramic bowl can be gently heated and radiate said heat throughout the entire cupboard.
can't wait for wamer weather.
Doesn't it make sense that wamer temperatures would cause the oecans to burp out more CO2?
The ongoing loss of ice in a region that is on average not wamer in the latter part of 60 years (1941 - 2000) seems like a good reminder that it does not take a constant yeaer on year increase to cause pronounced natural response over large areas.
The fact that wamer air can hold more water vapor is also leading to more drought in continental inland regions, since the soil water goes into the air, but there's less precipitation (due to the warmer, but unsaturated, air).
Now that cool weather has arrived in Houston I have been wanting to snag a wamer coat that I can wear for different occasions.
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