Sentences with phrase «want on the cardboard»

Fan the pages out any way you want on the cardboard, you don't have to do this in any particular way or get it all perfect.

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«He wanted the perfect gay priest, a cardboard cutout, with lover in tow, to trot out on state occasions, to trot out and say, «Look how liberal we are!
Older kids might want hands - on activities, says Dexter Codell, studio manager at the McGaw YMCA in Evanston, where birthday partygoers dabble in virtual reality through Google Cardboard.
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I wasn't sure it would adhere as well as I wanted it to if I had the kids put glue stick glue directly on the cardboard (that would work fine for plain paper or card stock).
Unless Cameron wants to be remembered as the prime minister who presided over a return to cardboard cities, he must not only take urgent action to help those already on the streets, but recognise how some of his own policies have put them there.
If you want to understand how crystals begin to form on a flat surface, just think about adding oranges to a cardboard box: each packed side by side with its neighbors.
If you want to paint your cut - out wreath, lay the «front» burlap piece flat on a piece of cardboard or painting drop cloth.
After paying 42 $ on eyeshadow palette, you wouldn't want it to be a cheap looking cardboard.
Move outside and set up your cardboard sheet out away from the house, you don't want to get accidental over-spray on anything.
Not wanting the film to get overlooked as it was in theaters, Universal has fitted this combo pack with an embossed cardboard slipcover that is extensively holographic on all four sides.
Fans who have been working on an exoskeleton suit on their day off, have a kickass Gray Fox costume ready in their wardrobes, or want to crawl around Westfield in a «clever» cardboard box disguise are encouraged to arrive in cosplay to show Mr. Kojima and Mr. Shinkawa their inventions brought to life by their British fan base.
After a day of hustling and working and running to and fro, I just wanted to put my feet up on a cardboard box and slam a couple of beers in silence, solitude, and partial nudity.
So what you don't want to do is have a plain cardboard box set up on a bunch of crates as a display.»
In her paintings on cardboard, reminiscent of Raymond Pettibon, the girls do not need or want to be rescued; although seemingly innocent and vulnerable, they are depicted as forces of aggression and ruthless domination.
Not all Android phones work with Cardboard, but if you happen to have a high - end phone that does and you want to check out a more expansive take on virtual reality, it might be worth looking into.
Ever since we've tried Samsung Gear VR or Google Cardboard, we've always wanted to create those groovy VR experiences of our own and post it on our website.
Virtual reality on smartphones is still in its infancy, with Google Cardboard and Samsung's Gear VR being the most popular options for those wanting to dabble in VR without going all - in with an Oculus >>
This means it works with Google Cardboard content that you can find on Google Play, but you can also grab stuff straight from the VR Store app that Alcatel has pre-installed, and this might be a bit easier if you want to browse through just VR content.
Since I know where I want my bracket to go into the wall, I measure that distance on the wall and then draw the lines onto the cardboard and cut the cardboard to that length so it sits on my window trim easily.
One project — I want to get a puzzle framed (or attached to a big piece of cardboard) and hung on my kitchen wall.
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