Sentences with phrase «want out of the deal»

But, ever the optimist, Goldman said the failure enabled the duo to realize what they wanted out of a deal, a knowledge they took into negotiations with Coke.
The idea is to try and find what the other party really wants out of the deal while also identifying what you might not care as much about yourself, which are great places for compromise.
You might even be able to buy your partner's share of the business or sell your own, which is helpful when one entity wants out of the deal but another wants to remain.
It can harm larger countries because their leverage is partially used up in getting things the smaller EU counties want out of the deal.
You've got to identify what you want out of the deal.
According to the American Bar Association, the mediator takes the time to meet with each spouse separately to understand what each spouse wants out of the deal and then helps them by guiding the discussion to address those wants.
I want out of the deal but am afraid of the ramifications.
The court found (and no doubt this was essential) that the vendor only raised the alleged «misrepresentation» when she wanted out of the deal so that she could reopen the price.

Not exact matches

When Brad Keselowski made a comment about other teams having more resources, the media made a big deal out of it... but you basically responded it was a non-issue and you want your guys to be themselves.
Another issue will be whether May wants to arrange a transitional deal to fill the gap between Britain dropping out of the EU and agreeing to a new, long - term trade deal with the EU.
He has to prove that something significant is happening, like one of his artists is consistently selling out at local clubs or a record label wants to sign a deal.
Because the deal that secured the votes of the conservative House sect known as the Freedom Caucus, allows states to seek waivers that let them opt out of basic protections for some citizens — rules, for example, that prevent insurers from charging virtually anything they want to «cover» those with preexisting conditions or that demand that insurers provide certain basic health and preventive care services.
And of course the GOP will never allow it, not just because it smacks of the New Deal, but because if Obama came out in favor of it, they would oppose it for the simple reason of opposing everything Obama wants.
In the most recent bout of negotiations over the weekend, the deal reportedly sputtered out over the number of unauthorized immigrants covered under the deal, and certain immigration enforcement - related measures that Republicans wanted to include but Democrats considered nonstarters.
If it is a strong, sudden pullback, we could see a great deal of hot money suddenly want out of the trust market, and this could amplify the weakness.
But time was running out if they want to reach a deal by the end of March.
Twitter says it wants to do more NFL - style deals — and it points out that it aired more than 800 hours of live - streaming content in the first quarter of this year, including sports, news and entertainment.
If they don't want to deal with the responsibility that comes with it, they need to step out of the way.
«Crowdfunding is an instantaneous, «Hey, I want to go help this,» kind of deal, not, «Hey, I want you to help me crowdfund, but here are these six forms you got to fill out and you've got to show your tax returns.»
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande, the euro zone's most powerful leaders, said Athens must move quickly if it wants to secure a cash - for - reform deal with creditors and avoid crashing out of the single currency.
On social media yesterday, a number of customers complained that Amazon's deals were not as stellar as they expected, and those deals they did want were too quickly sold out.
So I think a litmus test is always just to say if we took the dollars out of it, is there a deal that we would want to do with this company?
In this case, the somnambulism was based on misplaced optimism that trade negotiators would be able to solve the NAFTA problems, blithely ignoring the significance of President Donald Trump's repeated declarations that the agreement was the worst deal in history and constantly threatening to walk out unless the U.S. got what it wanted in the renegotiating process.
The value of Goldman's stake has not been determined, but if it is determined to be worth more than one third of the broadcast operations, Goldman would have enough votes to push out Shaw if it wanted, using Mr. Asper as the Canadian investor in the deal.
New Delhi wants to wring the same taxes out of buyer and seller in an old telco deal.
If you are a business broker, and you want to cover not only the buying and selling agreements, but also bringing parties together to finance the purchase of businesses for your clients, then check out the Commercial Capital Training Group to see how you can multiply your revenue on every business brokering deal you make.
Why is it called venture capital if they want all of the risk out of the deal
When a person is just starting out with investing there may be a lot of reason to want an investment that doesn't require a great deal of resources.
I'll leave out commentary on the five Gawker - haters, other than to say that one of them is a good friend who has his reasons for not wanting to sit next to Nick at a closing dinner, although he's an evolved person, and gets why the deal played out as well as it did.
Now we see all sorts of disgusting things come out dealing with kiidie perverts.And they still do disturbing things.They want to beatify a priest from Yugoslavia who had blessed the Utashe movement a movement in WW2 that was responsible for killing 100,000's of people in very heinous ways.
He is currently still dealing with attacks from the devil that have created road block's that are getting in the way of his path towards the life he would want to have and his plans to help other's out.
They had worked out many strategies for dealing with the large number of religious groups who wanted to broadcast their messages, and with the religious mavericks whose fire - and - brim - stone preaching could be dangerously libellous.
When our attempts to mature as Christians run into obsessive guilt and shameful or angry impatience with ourselves, we need to sort out the way God wants to deal with us from the way we are dealing with ourselves out of our psychic history.
So if we are always pointing out the sin of others, it may well be that we have our own secret sins we don't want to deal with.
If you don't want to eat there, don't but geesh stop making such a big deal out of everything
I really feel for those who are struggling with adultery and it seems the reoccuring question is the same.Will God forgive me if i have committed adultery and the answer is yes we all are sinners and we all have sinned no sin is worse than the other to God.If you are feeling bad because for what you have done then it is the holy spirit drawing you to him repent and turn from your sin.God wants all of us to draw near to him to get our hearts right to stop making the same mistakes over and over again.If you feel weak he gives the strength to deal with it rather than trying sort it out on our own.He forgives us because he loves us but we may have to bear the consequence of our sin like David and his family suffered for his choices regarding his affair with bathsheba but God forgave him for his sin.
Do you want a successful person to be president and deal with the problems of the world, or a high school drop out?
He didn't want to make a big deal out of it.»
Quay... churches make a big deal of getting their faithful out there to vote, and case it in pretty verbiage about how it's what God wants.
How sad it is to see that most of us are so self centered that we want to make big deal out of this.
Frankly, this blog strikes me as one of those deals where the former pastor figures out that all the other religious people are wrong, and he doesn't want to be one of those «fundie douchebags» (to quote one of your fans), and so he starts spewing cynical knee - jerk vitriol against anything that smacks of conservativism or evangelicalism or whatever.
The difficulty of the paradigm, of course, is that it lifts media policy out of a mere bureaucratic administration into a broader dimension of cultural debate: what sort of symbolic environment do we have, what sort of symbolic environment do we want, and what is the role of the media in our collective effort to deal with our human potential for violence?
We don't make a big deal out of Valentine's Day, but I wanted to bake a special treat.
* I would not suggest keeping this over 1 week or in your pantry since it has no preservatives (a good thing) but if you just want a single serving you could easily use 1 tablespoon peanut powder and 1 dried frig with 2 teaspoons of water to test this recipe out for a one - serving deal.
We want groups who have or can readily put an organization in place that understands the ins and outs of the food business, preferably candidates who have also dealt with franchisors in the past.»
Regardless of whether they have multiple allergies to deal with, they want to know that they can bake what they want and it will turn out well and taste as good or better as the recipe they used to make with wheat flour.
Probably not a big deal for most people, but if you have candida you don't want to get rid of any bacteria and really flow your flora out of balance.
I have been trying to figure out a grain - free onion ring for some time, and while I have nothing against frying foods in good fats, I also wanted something baked because I hate dealing with the mess of hot, splattering oil.
Never having made a big deal out of the other holidays that have come and gone, I wanted to do something a...
But this is a big problem for your liver, which wants to push toxins out, not deal with more coming in (in the way of refined sugars, color additives and the like).
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