Sentences with phrase «want wider lats»

If you want wider lats, USE THIS EXERCISE.

Not exact matches

To better target the lats, use a wider grip, and when you want to recruit more middle back fibers, go with the neutral grip variant.
And that's really where these exercises shine... you can target the EXACT aspect of the back you want to hit and for whatever GOAL you want to work towards... wider lats, thicker back, more detail and definition... you name it.
Want to make your lats wider and pull - ups aren't doing it?
Your grip on the lat bar can range from narrow to wide in order to maximize muscle development When you are shopping for a lat machine, consider the range of exercises you want, the ease of moving from exercise type to type, the capacity of the weight bars or size of the weight stack, ease of pull - pin adjustments and the quality of the materials.
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