Sentences with phrase «wanted behaviors with»

As soon as he's not mauling at your hand for it, and becomes patient, then you can mark the wanted behavior with a Good or a Yes and then open your hand, palm up, so he can take the treat from your palm.
This is accomplished by marking the wanted behavior with a verbal marker such as «yes!

Not exact matches

None of this behavior is ever supposed to happen in the Valley, because who would want to do business with such a litigious venture firm?
Your marketing could well end up discordant with your intended audience — out of touch with their true wants, needs, likes and behaviors.
If you want someone to change a behavior (or become more inclined to taking a desired action), then you can «model» it with a story.
Though the behavior of «playful Sue» may sound outlandish to some women, there are no shortage of high - powered and deeply serious professional women that admit to using their feminine charms to get what they want, including Clinton - era Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who has admitted to flirting with male foreign leaders on the job.
Companies that want to stick around for the long haul need to implement a culture that provides their employees an identity worthy of ownership, a label that can be proudly worn, and an ensemble of expectations that align with desired behavior and goals.
It's Your Problem: Doug Curtis wanted to ensure that a behavior that plagues many CEOs wouldn't happen to him: employees running to their bosses with their every predicament.
The last thing you want to do is trigger a full - fledged IRS audit with uncooperative behavior.
Is there a clear line in your mind when behavior becomes just so unacceptable that you don't want to have anything to do with that company?
It starts with the type of people you recruit and those you eventually hire — which means you'll need to identify the behaviors you value, and the traits you want to avoid.
Kogan wrote in the email that he wanted to create statistical models that could accurately identify people at risk for various diseases and illnesses by examining their Web browsing and purchase behaviors, and combine that with medical data from Harvard.
Lincoln exploded this as preposterous, demonstrating their behavior's incompatibility with the Constitution, pointing out that if they really wanted to claim revolutionary grounds for action, they should have the courage to make that argument instead, and resting his own argument on the principles of the Declaration.
For example, a wife often wants a masculine, dominant man upon whom she can lean, but who will not interfere with her own domineering behavior.
If any other organization committed such crimes, only pedophiles would want to join but the Catholics are condoning the behavior with their refusal to take a strong stand against their church.
Gothard's teachings involve rules upon rules all dealing with the outward, dress, hair, smiling, bright eyes, no birth control or dating, no higher education for girls who must stay in the home until the father decides what they should do, how God blesses and is happy with you if you do such and such, so many rules, those who really wanted to please God were under the weight of things they could never accomplish... plus the male regime and women having to be careful not to defraud men by their dress or looks made it so easy for sexual predatory behaviors to take hold and the woman at fault for the man's problems and such... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder some of the children of this regime became athiests.
But remember it wasnt the white people today who did this (I am one and am ashamed of my ancestors behavior), in fact none of us were alive when these atrocities occured I know you still suffer huge problems with racism - there are a lot whites who want to fight along side you to eliminate this.
While psychiatrists will, of course, be available to help people with a homosexual orientation if they want such help, the APA's decision is a clear disclaimer of responsibility for changing homosexual persons who are not troubled by their orientation and whose behavior is not socially irresponsible.
It does not reflect prevailing patterns of human behavior... If you look around carefully, you will see that most people are not really maximizers, but instead what you might call «satisfiers»: they want to satisfy their needs, and that means being in equilibrium with oneself, with other people, with society and with nature.
In Luke 18, we have an account of a widow who only gets what she wants because she pesters a judge for it, and Jesus equates her behavior with prayer.
If they are totally closed to getting right with God, then I would tell them they probably should stop their sinful behavior, and that if they want to come to your church, that they need to lay off the public display because it could corrupt the people in the church.
Such hateful behaviors and actions have nothing to do with Jesus, look nothing like Jesus, and are not at all what Jesus taught or wanted His followers to do.
Also, when his disciples want to call down fire from heaven to incinerate the city that did not accept Jesus (this fit perfectly with God's behavior in the OT, does it not?)
If you want rational, decent behavior, don't hang out with the religious.
In response to this overall assessment of the FWT's methodological motives and behavior, I first want to address Griffin's contention that FWTs display the tendency to utilize a double standard when discussing evil — that they don't allow their «Own positions to be judged with the same rigor, and in terms of the same criteria, as the other positions.»
If you don't like the facts to bad, Like that the reason that gays came off the dsm was that physcs didn't want to determine deviant behavior anymore and said that if your ok then anything goes its only if you have a problem with it?
But the ordinary people I am referring to do not want to live with a damaged but functioning cerebral cortex that results in limited or deranged behavior.
To compete, marketers need to stay in lockstep with the evolving needs, wants and behaviors of their consumers.
With New Years» resolutions, there is something magic and arbitrary that makes me want to keep them superficial and unrelated to the deep cadences of my behaviors.
In particular, we want to help you better understand the behavior of your bankroll — especially when coping with difficult periods.
I justified this uncharacteristic behavior, however, with the fact that we had a prenatal the following day and I didn't want the midwives to see just how lackadaisical we really were with housework.
I really want to bring up how my wife's behavior is affecting me, but the times when the baby is calm, she's usually napping with him.
Animals are not things, they feel just like you do, they fear just like you do no matter what excuses you want to label your behavior with it will never make it right.
If these other women are willing to side with her mean behavior do you really want them in your life anyway?
In fact, if you want a child to be a real pain in the neck — if you want to strengthen some behavior or characteristic — just argue with them.
Before I give you ideas for dealing with this behavior, I want to make one thing clear: As kids grow, they need to develop their interests and ideas, and they need to learn how to express them.
I believe it's a good idea to sit down and talk with your child when there's a behavior issue you want to address with him.
«If you want a child to be a real pain in the neck — if you want to strengthen some behavior or characteristic — just argue with them.
Try using a sticker chart with new behaviors that you want your child to learn, like potty - training or picking up toys.
For example, if you want your child to work on getting along better with his brother, you might choose to really only target this behavior after dinner, if this is when the most problems seem to occur.
As with all things parenting, modeling the behavior you want to see in your kids is pretty important.
The second thing is, you want to look at your parenting style as a couple, when you are looking at behavior issues with your kids.
Ten insightful behaviors / attitudes to * avoid * if you want to raise your child with strong self - esteem with Wendy Young of Kidlutions.
The chapter explains how the book is divided up: building connections so that your child works with you because they want to; knowing yourself and your child by understanding temperament triggers, stress, and medical factors — all impacts behavior; and lastly emotional development.
Maybe, with modeling, we need to avoid doing or saying things we don't want our children doing or saying, as well as things they might confuse with the wrong behavior.
Problem solving skills are the skills that help kids figure out what people want from them, how to give it, how to deal with other people's behavior, expectations and demands.
You've struggled with child behavior problems long enough and you want to know how to handle the problems with effectiveness and compassion.
You might not like going with a captive audience around, but your child simply wants to copy your behavior.
She began her project with the commonly held mindset that children are over-medicated through a collusion between parents, who want their childrens» behavior to change, and psychiatrists, who are more than happy to whip out the prescription pad.
But has become easier with practice.Yet for behaviors that really matter to me / I want to encourage, I do say things like «I like how you said «please»» or «That was nice of you to let her have a turn.»
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