Sentences with phrase «wanted share something»

I'm posting this now because I wanted share something mini and something that makes you feel warm.
Most people might celebrate with sweets, but I wanted share something you can enjoy any day of the year.

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If you have something you want to share but prefer stay anonymous, submit a tip here.
To get the conversation going, ask questions and give them something that they want to share.
That area of life — the self, your relationship to yourself, how you define yourself and what you do, by that definition, has always been something that I've been naturally curious about, wanted to talk about and wanted to share with people.
If people pay attention to something and get all excited about it and expect millions of downloads, of course people who didn't buy my shares now wanted my shares.
I have a lot of photos stored there that I'm too lazy to move, and I want people looking for me to be able to find me easily, and every now and then I have something to share with a lot of people, whether it's a magazine article or a baby photo (although the decline of organic reach has made that kind of sharing less rewarding).
Money, like sex, is a private affair and something we can share if we are being asked for advice, or if we want to help another person we think could benefit from what we know.
If you're going to tell a client you can't do something, you want to be prepared to share what you can do instead.
«They're five guys, and we're a male driven network; they're in sports; they make them funny and hit the right style of humor; they give you something visual that you want to share to your friends.
Generally speaking, a NDA makes sense anytime you want to share something valuable about your business and make sure that the other party doesn't use it without your approval, or outright steal it.
In business terms that means connecting with people who can be mentors, who can share information, who can help create other connections; in short, that means going into a relationship wanting something.
The guiding principles are that the Community Standards should reflect the cultural norms of our community, that each person should see as little objectionable content as possible, and each person should be able to share what they want while being told they can not share something as little as possible.
«I got 100 shares of Twitter for a guy when they went public, and I'm sure he won't be happy if he wants something else and I tell him it's not available,» the adviser said.
Rather than logging onto social media every time you want to share something, Buffer lets you set up all of your week's posts at once, and then it automatically posts them at designated times for you.
This gave them the permission to share something they knew they wanted to, but had never had the right opportunity to.
When somebody comes up with something they want to share, it's useful to have some sort of semi-formal process they can submit ideas to.
«One thing that we noticed is that if you want to get large number of people to do something, they tend to have a what we call a shared identity,» Baghai says.
Your audience wants quality; they want something valuable that engages, educates, and entertains — something that's so good that it compels them to share or hand over their email address just to get the rest.
With the rise of Uber, Lyft, and other ride - sharing companies, traditional car and insurance companies will need to do something drastically different if they want to survive.
Social shares still count for something; just because they're lower than you might want doesn't mean people aren't sharing your content.
«We feel we have something special, and we want to share this experience with more people without diluting quality,» Jaber said.
On the call, Musk described a world in which people share their cars, offering them as either a Lyft, an Uber or something like a Lyft / Uber - Airbnb combo «where you can own your car and have 100 percent usage of your car,» Musk said, and specify that it's available to anyone who wants to use it while you're not using it.
What he really wanted was to give something back, to share.
They want people to do something for them (share, link, refer), but they aren't willing to put in the hard yards to earn it.
Today I'm (finally) sharing something that I've wanted to write about for a long time, but haven't tackled because there is no easy formula: how to determine what is «enough» to save for early retirement.
Now, I just write on my own blog when I have something I really want to share and although that's only a few times a month, it's much better.»
When you provide readers with something they can actually use, it makes them want to share with others who will also find it useful.
In my experience, again, after a tragedy, people come together very quickly because of a shared outrage, shared loss, and they want to do something.
I want to share something with you at the risk of sounding grandiose.
GOD and I have a personal close relationship, and that is something that i don't have to prove to no one, just to share... If you don't want Him so be it, your choice, I want Him, my choice!!!
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, and there's something I want to share with you.
If a man wanted to have a completely private religion and had not yet succeeded in making others share his own opinion, this religion would necessarily be something quite arbitrary which should be uninteresting even to himself.
Just like anything we get excited about, we want to share it, so when a leader learns something that challenges or inspires them they bring it to the table and present it to others, furthering the impact and ripple effect.
I have a sign with my ministry name its obvious that mim a christian and i talk to people i share the gospel and i do nt say so you want to believe now, or something like that I just share the gospel with them and they leave I do nt always know if they got saved or not and I do invite them to a bible study.
Or Susan says to Andrea, «Well, my friend, before we get back to work, I want to share with you something I've been thinking about for a while.
Hi Sam Thank you for this post, I have something to share with you and I need help One week ago, I've meet a homeless he sleeps on the street, I woke him up, and told him that I'll buy food, he told me that he also wants cigarettes So I bought cigarettes, sandwich and a soft drink I gave him all these, and tried to talk with him; I asked if he is cold to bring him a cover, he said «No», he took cigarettes and said he do nt need food, he wants only to smoke and drink alcohol, after a minute I left and I heard him talking to the grocer and he told him to take food and to give him cigarettes and lighter in exchange!
However, I want to share something especially painful: the reaction of the church towards our family crisis.
The reason atheists feel compelled to say something is the same reason you believers feel compelled to share and defend your belief.You want to spread the word about something wonderful in your life.
He thinks fairness in work - sharing and decision - making is important; it is something women want.
''... in such a way that swimming and wrestling were very enjoyable to him, and this is something he wanted to share with his disciples.»
Only have a moment presently but I want to share something your statement on wisdom reminded me of.
It's not that I want to air out my dirty laundry, but I believe that through sharing our stories of doubt and failure, we encourage others who might be going through something similar.
Another unwritten law is that you can get your share of the audience only by offering people something they want.
But they were all friends, and besides, Jesus had something he wanted to share with them from Scripture that he was very excited about.
It's okay to listen to a woman, but only «occasional women speaking in Sunday school» where she might want to «share» something or «show» something.
I want something to build upon, to know how to study, write a Bible study, and share what I learn competently.
Here I just want to share something so simple it is not even a recipe: this fragrant, chunky and luscious plum sauce, with all the variations it affords.
Plus, there's just something about the urgency of wanting to share a REALLY delicious (and really easy!)
Thirdly, before I get to sharing the recipe for this Triple Chocolate Poke Cake with you I would like to indulge in a short bragging session because I did something pretty awesome and I want to tell you about it
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